8th Ouranos Symposium Successful (considering the circumstances)
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The 8th edition of the Ouranos Symposium brought together over 500 professionals from various disciplines from October 26 to November 6, 2020. Ouranos had hoped that this event would rally attendees and foster constructive exchanges and reflection, but the pandemic threw a wrench in our gears and we were forced to act quickly to find an alternative solution. Looking back we can proudly say: mission accomplished!

Presented in a virtual format due to the exceptional circumstances, the Symposium offered a rich and diverse program featuring 3 panels, 2 guest speakers, an interview with Minister Charette and 20 thematic sessions. Despite relatively limited networking opportunities, which are normally extremely popular at our events, the feedback we received was very positive.

Just like the previous edition of the symposium and in line with the guiding principles of Ouranos’ Five-Year Plan 2020-2025 (scheduled for release early 2021), efforts were made to ensure that the 8th edition of our event presented an integrated program aiming to break down silos and demonstrate the importance of decompartmentalizing scientific knowledge while promoting adaptation initiatives.
With a view to accelerating climate change adaptation measures, presentations and exchanges during the sessions and panels notably emphasized the importance of:

  • Using collaborative approaches that foster engagement amongst scientists, concerned players, decision-makers or members of the financial community in the search for optimal solutions;

  • de Pursuing knowledge building throughout the continuum, from climate science to adaptation solutions and implementation thereof;

  • de Favouring the acquisition and sharing of knowledge amongst concerned players; and

  • Adopting a form of governance that encourages innovation and coherence at different spatial or temporal scales.

All Symposium activities were recorded and shared with registered participants so that the latter can view any sessions that they may have missed. For those who were unable to participate in the Symposium, stay tuned: the presentations will be made available to the general public in January 2021.

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