Scientific articles

On this page, you'll find scientific articles published by the Ouranos team since 2015. 


  • Hernandez-Garcia, A., Poulin, A., Romero-López, R., Paquin, D. (2025). Assessment of ERA-Interim-driven RCM simulations in reproducing the link between ENSO and Climate Extreme Indices. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

  • Hernandez-Garcia, A., Poulin, A., Romero-Lopez, R., Paquin, D. (2025). Assessment of Regional Climate Model simulations at reproducing the link between PDO and Climate Extreme Precipitation indices in Mexico. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

  • Roberts, M., Reed, K. A., Qing, B., Barsugli, J. J., Camargo, S. J., Caron, L.-P., Chang, P., Chen, C.-T., Christensen, H. M., Danabasoglu, G., Frenger, I., Fučkar, N. S., Hasson, S. u., Hewitt, H. T., Huang, H., Kim, D., Kodama, C., Lai, M., Leung, L. R., Mizuta, R., Nobre, P., Ortega, P., Paquin, D., Roberts, C. D., Scoccimarro, E., Seddon, J., Tréguier, A.-M., Tu, C.-Y., Ullrich, P., Vidale, P. L., Wehner, M., Zarzycki, C. M., Zhang, B., Zhang, W., Zhao, M. (2025). High-Resolution Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (HighResMIP2) towards CMIP7. Geoscientific model development.


  • Adombi, A. V. D. P., Chesnaux, R., Boucher, M.-A., Braun, M., Lavoie, J. (2024). A causal physics-informed deep learning formulation for groundwater flow modeling and climate change effect analysis. Journal of Hydrology.

  • Arnal, L., Clark, M. P., Pietroniro, A., Vionnet, V., Casson, D. R., Whitfield, P. H., Fortin, V., Wood, A. W., Knoben, W. J. M., Newton, B. W., & Walford, C. (2024). FROSTBYTE: a reproducible data-driven workflow for probabilistic seasonal streamflow forecasting in snow-fed river basins across North America. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 28, 4127–4155,

  • Arnal, L., Pietroniro, A. C., Pomeroy, J. W., Fortin, V., Casson, D. R., Stadnyk, T. A., Rokaya, P., Durnford, D., Friesenhan, E., & Clark, M. P. (2024). Flood forecasting in Canada. In Adams, T. E., Gangodagamage, C., & Pagano, T. C. (Eds.), Flood Forecasting: A Global Perspective (2nd ed). (pp. 63-66). Elsevier Science & Technology.

  • Arnal, L., Vionnet, V., & Clark, M. P. (2024). FROSTBYTE: Forecasting River Outlooks from Snow Timeseries: Building Yearly Targeted Ensembles [jeux de données]. Zenodo.

  • Asselin, O., Leduc, M., Paquin, D., de Noblet-Ducoudré, N., Rechid, D., Ludwig, R. (2024). Blue in green: forestation turns blue water green, mitigating heat at the expense of water availability. Environmental Research Letters.

  • Bleau, N. et Després, E. 2024. Enjeux d’inégalités associées aux solutions d’adaptation aux changements climatiques : qu'est-ce qu'on en sait ?, VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement [En ligne], Hors-Série 38 | Octobre 2024, mis en ligne le 18 juin 2024, consulté le 21 décembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

  • Bizhanimanzar, M., Rondeau‐Genesse, G., Caron, L.-P., Lefaivre, D., Mailhot, E. (2024). Joint Occurrence of Extreme Water Level and River Flows in St. Lawrence River Coasts Under Present and Sea Level Rise Conditions. Earth's Future.

  • Bossé et Bergeron. (2024). Protéger nos forêts, protéger nos communautés : s'adapter aux feux de forêt dans un climat changeant. Le Climatoscope.…

  • Carozza, D. A., Boudreault, M., Grenier, M., Caron, L.-P. (2024). UQAM‐TCW: A Global Hybrid Tropical Cyclone Wind Model Based Upon Statistical and Coupled Climate Models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.

  • Gani, S., Arnal, L., Beattie, L., Hillier, J., Illingworth, S., Lanza, T., Mohadjer, S., Pulkkinen, K., Roop, H., Stewart, I., von Elverfeldt, K., & Zihms, S. (2024). Editorial: The shadowlands of (geo)science communication in academia – definitions, problems, and possible solutions, Geosci. Commun., 7, 251–266,

  • Hiwasaki, L., Déry, S. et Bleau, N. 2024.  Réduire les inégalités et atteindre l’équité pour sauver la planète : par quel bout commencer ?, VertigO - la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement [En ligne], Hors-Série 38 | Octobre 2024, mis en ligne le 02 octobre 2024, consulté le 19 décembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

  • Klotzbach, P. J., Jones, J. J., Wood, K. M., Bell, M. M., Blake, E. S., Bowen, S. G., Caron, L.-P., Chavas, D. R., Collins, J. M., Gibney, E. J., Schreck, C. J., Truchelut, R. E. (2024). The 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season: An Above-Normal Season despite Strong El Niño Conditions. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

  • Langendijk, G. S., Halenka, T., Hoffmann, P., Adinolfi, M., Aldama Campino, A., Asselin, O., Bastin, S., Bechtel, B., Belda, M., Bushenkova, A., Campanale, A., Chun, K. P., Constantinidou, K., Coppola, E., Demuzere, M., Doan, Q.-V., Evans, J., Feldmann, H., Fernandez, J., Fita, L., Hadjinicolaou, P., Hamdi, R., Hundhausen, M., Grawe, D., Johannsen, F., Milovac, J., Katragkou, E., Kerroumi, N. E. I., Kotlarski, S., Le Roy, B., Lemonsu, A., Lennard, C., Lipson, M., Mandal, S., Muñoz Pabón, L. E., Pavlidis, V., Pietikäinen, J.-P., Raffa, M., Raluy-López, E., Rechid, D., Ito, R., Schulz, J.-P., Soares, P. M., Takane, Y., Teichmann, C., Thatcher, M., Top, S., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Wang, F., Yuan, J. (2024). Towards better understanding the urban environment and its interactions with regional climate change - The WCRP CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study URB-RCC. Urban Climate.

  • Lavoie, J., Bourgault, P., Smith, T. J., Logan, T., Leduc, M., Caron, L.-P., Gammon, S., Braun, M. (2024). An ensemble of bias-adjusted CMIP6 climate simulations based on a high-resolution North American reanalysis. Scientific Data.

  • Lavoie, J., Caron, L.-P., Logan, T., Barrow, E. (2024). Canadian climate data portals: A comparative analysis from a user perspective. Climate Services.

  • Mahmood, R., King, J., Music, B., & Côté, H. (2024). How Skilful Are Cloud Cover Products in Representing Observed Cloudiness in Québec? Atmosphere-Ocean, 1–12.

  • Matte, D., Christensen, J. H., Drews, M., Sobolowski, S., Paquin, D., Lynch, A., Bremer, S., Engholm, I., Brunet, N. D., Kolstad, E. W., Kettleborough, H., Thompson, V., Bevacqua, E., Heinrich, D., Pryor, S. C., Böhnisch, A., Feser, F., Prein, A. F., Fischer, E., Leduc, M. (2024). How to Engage and Adapt to Unprecedented Extremes. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

  • Myers, P. G., Barber, D., Braun, M., Buchart, L., de la Guardia, L. C., Deschepper, I., Dupont, F., Ehn, J., Garcia-Quintana, Y., Gillard, L. C., Grivault, N., Hu, X., Kirillov, S. A., Jafarikhasragh, S., Lukovich, J., Maps, F., Marson, J. M., Papakyriakou, T., Pennelly, C., Ridenour, N., Stadnyk, T. A., Sydor, K., Tao, R., Tefs, A., Tremblay, J.-É., Xu, Y. (2024). An overview of the NEMO modelling for the BaySys project. Elem Sci Anth.

  • Rondeau-Genesse, G., Caron, L.-P., Audet, K., Da Silva, L., Tarte, D., Parent, R., Comeau, É., and Matte, D.: Storyline Analytical Framework for Understanding Future Severe Low-Water Episodes and Their Consequences, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2024.

  • Stockhause, M., Huard, D., Khourdajie, A. A., Gutiérrez, J. M., Kawamiya, M., Klutse, N. A. B., Krey, V., Milward, D., Okem, A. E., Pirani, A., Sitz, L., Solman, S. A., Spinuso, A., Xing, X. (2024). Implementing FAIR data principles in the IPCC seventh assessment cycle: Lessons learned and future prospects. PLOS Climate.

  • Tang, G., Clark, M. P., Knoben, W. J. M., Liu, H., Gharari, S., Arnal, L., Wood, A. W., Newman, A. J., Freer, J., & Papalexiou, S. M. (2024). Uncertainty hotspots in global hydrologic modeling : The impact of precipitation and temperature forcings. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

  • Vásquez, N. A., Mendoza, P. A., Knoben, W. J. M., Arnal, L., Lagos-Zúñiga, M., Clark, M., & Vargas, X. (2024). The Key role of temporal stratification for GCM bias correction in climate impact assessments. Earth's Future, 12, e2023EF004242.

  • Wohland, J., Hoffmann, P., Lima, D. C. A., Breil, M., Asselin, O., Rechid, D. (2024). Extrapolation is not enough: impacts of extreme land use change on wind profiles and wind energy according to regional climate models. Earth System Dynamics.


  • Albert, C., Taylor, A. R., Logan, T., D’Orangeville, L. (2023). The Acadian Forest of New Brunswick in the 21st century: what shifting heat and water balance imply for future stand dynamics and management. Environmental Reviews.

  • Arsenault, R., Huard, D., Martel, J.-L., Troin, M., Mai, J., Brissette, F., Jauvin, C., Vu, L., Craig, J. R., Smith, T. J., Logan, T., Tolson, B. A., Han, M., Gravel, F., Langlois, S. (2023). The PAVICS-Hydro platform: A virtual laboratory for hydroclimatic modelling and forecasting over North America. Environmental Modelling & Software.

  • Bourgault, P., Huard, D., Smith, T. J., Logan, T., Aoun, A., Lavoie, J., Dupuis, É., Rondeau-Genesse, G., Alegre, R., Barnes, C., Laperrière, A. B., Biner, S., Caron, D., Ehbrecht, C., Fyke, J., Keel, T., Labonté, M.-P., Lierhammer, L., Low, J.-F., Quinn, J., Roy, P., Squire, D., Stephens, A., Tanguy, M., Whelan, C. (2023). xclim: xarray-based climate data analytics. Journal of Open Source Software.

  • Brizuela, N. G., Johnston, T. M. S., Alford, M. H., Asselin, O., Rudnick, D. L., Moum, J. N., Thompson, E. J., Wang, S., Lee, C.-Y. (2023). A Vorticity‐Divergence View of Internal Wave Generation by a Fast‐Moving Tropical Cyclone: Insights From Super Typhoon Mangkhut. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.

  • Champagne, O., Arain, A., Wang, S., Leduc, M. (2023). Future change in amplitude and timing of high-flow events in a Canadian subarctic watershed. Cold Regions Science and Technology.

  • Chavas, D., Liang, J., Baldwin, M., Zhou, M., Rustad, L., McCray, C., DiVito, S., Kartheiser, R., Mullens, E. (2023). Summary of an Interdisciplinary Workshop on Risk-Relevant Gaps and Needs in Freezing Rain Science. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

  • Christiansen, B., Yang, S., Matte, D. (2023). Estimating the Significance of the Added Skill from Initializations: The Case of Decadal Predictions. Journal of Climate.

  • Crévolin, V., Hassanzadeh, E., Bourdeau-Goulet, S.-C. (2023). Updating the intensity-duration-frequency curves in major Canadian cities under changing climate using CMIP5 and CMIP6 model projections. Sustainable Cities and Society.

  • TG-Data (David Huard) (2023) TG-Data Recommendations for AR7. Rapport (sans révision par les pairs). Zenodo.

  • Lavoie, J., Bourgault, P., Smith, T. J., Logan, T., Leduc, M., Caron, L-P., Gammon, S., Braun, M. (2023). An ensemble of bias-adjusted CMIP6 climate simulations based on a high-resolution North American reanalysis. Nature Scientific Data. 

  • McCray, C. D., Schmidt, G. A., Paquin, D., Leduc, M., Bi, Z., Radiyat, M., Silverman, C., Spitz, M., Brettschneider, B. R. (2023). Changing Nature of High‐Impact Snowfall Events in Eastern North America. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

  • Meliho, M., Khattabi, A., Braun, M., Orlando, C. A. (2023). Future climate change projections in the agroecological, bioclimatic, biogeographical and altitudinal vegetation zones of Morocco. African Journal of Ecology.

  • Ozturk, T., Canbaz, E., Bilgin, B., Matte, D., Kurnaz, M. L., Christensen, J. H. (2023). The emergence of projected scaled patterns of extreme temperatures over Europe. Frontiers in Earth Science.

  • Ripoche, M., Irace-Cima, A., Adam-Poupart, A., Baron, G., Bouchard, C., Carignan, A., Milord, F., Ouhoummane, N., Pilon, P., Thivierge, K., Zinszer, K., Chaumont, D. (2023). Fardeau actuel et futur de la maladie de Lyme au Québec en fonction des changements climatiques. Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada.

  • Roy, P., Rondeau-Genesse, G., Jalbert, J., & Fournier, É. (2023). Climate scenarios of extreme precipitation using a combination of parametric and non-parametric bias correction methods in the province of Québec. Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue Canadienne Des Ressources Hydriques, 49(1), 23–39.

  • Takaya, Y., Caron, L.-P., Blake, E., Bonnardot, F., Bruneau, N., Camp, J., Chan, J., Gregory, P., Jones, J. J., Kang, N., Klotzbach, P. J., Kuleshov, Y., Leroux, M.-D., Lockwood, J. F., Murakami, H., Nishimura, A., Pattanaik, D. R., Philp, T. J., Ruprich-Robert, Y., Toumi, R., Vitart, F., Won, S., Zhan, R. (2023). Recent advances in seasonal and multi-annual tropical cyclone forecasting. Tropical Cyclone Research and Review.

  • Thomas, L. N., Skyllingstad, E. D., Rainville, L., Hormann, V., Centurioni, L., Moum, J. N., Asselin, O., Lee, C. M. (2023). Damping of Inertial Motions through the Radiation of Near-Inertial Waves in a Dipole Vortex in the Iceland Basin. Journal of Physical Oceanography.

  • Urli, M., Périé, C., Thiffault, N., Coyea, M. R., Pepin, S., Logan, T., Munson, A. D. (2023). Experimental drier climates affect hydraulics and induce high mortality of seedlings of three northern conifer species. Forest Ecology and Management.


  • Alavoine, M., Grenier, P. (2022). The distinct problems of physical inconsistency and of multivariate bias involved in the statistical adjustment of climate simulations. International Journal of Climatology.

  • Asselin, O., Planter des arbres: une panacée pour contre le réchauffement ? Le Climatoscope, No. 4. p.39-42. 2022.

  • Asselin, O., Leduc, M., Paquin, D., Di Luca, A., Winger, K., Bukovsky, M., Music, B., Giguère, M. (2022). On the Intercontinental Transferability of Regional Climate Model Response to Severe Forestation. Climate.

  • Bello, A. P., Mailhot, A., Paquin, D., Paquin‐Ricard, D. (2022). Temperature‐Precipitation Scaling Rates: A Rainfall Event‐Based Perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres.

  • Bresson, É., Bussière, B., Pabst, T., Demers, I., Charron, P., Roy, P. (2022). Climate change risks and vulnerabilities during mining exploration, operations, and reclamation: A regional approach for the mining sector in Québec, Canada. CIM Journal.

  • Bukovsky, M., Gutowski, W. J., Mearns, L. O., Paquin, D., Pryor, S. C. (2022). Climate Storylines. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

  • Caron, L-P, Y Takaya et al. (2022) Improved Tropical Cyclone science and services for better decision-making. Section 6.2: Seasonal Tropical Cyclone Forecasting. Report for the 10th International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones. 63 pages.

  • Castaneda-Gonzalez, M., Poulin, A., Romero-Lopez, R., Turcotte, R., Chaumont, D. (2022). Uncertainty sources in flood projections over contrasting hydrometeorological regimes. Hydrological Sciences Journal.

  • Christiansen, B., Yang, S., Matte, D. (2022). The Forced Response and Decadal Predictability of the North Atlantic Oscillation: Nonstationary and Fragile Skills. Journal of Climate.

  • Delgado-Torres, C., Donat, M. G., Gonzalez-Reviriego, N., Caron, L.-P., Athanasiadis, P. J., Bretonnière, P.-A., Dunstone, N. J., Ho, A.-C., Nicoli, D., Pankatz, K., Paxian, A., Pérez-Zanón, N., Cabré, M. S., Solaraju-Murali, B., Soret, A., Doblas-Reyes, F. J. (2022). Multi-Model Forecast Quality Assessment of CMIP6 Decadal Predictions. Journal of Climate.

  • Diaconescu, E.P., P. Kushner, J. Lukovich, A. Crawford, E. Barrow, L. Mudryk, M. Braun, R. Shrestha, S. Gruber, S. Déry, S. Howell, and L. Matthews, (2022). An inventory of historical climate data and climate projections for the Canadian North; Government of Canada, Gatineau, QC, 693p.

  • Diez-Sierra, J., Iturbide, M., Gutiérrez, J. M., Fernández, J., Milovac, J., Cofiño, A. S., Cimadevilla, E., Nikulin, G., Levavasseur, G., Kjellström, E., Bülow, K., Horányi, A., Brookshaw, A., García-Díez, M., Pérez, A., Baño-Medina, J., Ahrens, B., Alias, A., Ashfaq, M., Bukovsky, M., Buonomo, E., Caluwaerts, S., Chou, S. C., Christensen, O. B., Ciarlò, J. M., Coppola, E., Corre, L., Demory, M.-E., Djurdjevic, V., Evans, J. P., Fealy, R., Feldmann, H., Jacob, D., Jayanarayanan, S., Katzfey, J., Keuler, K., Kittel, C., Kurnaz, M. L., Laprise, R., Lionello, P., McGinnis, S., Mercogliano, P., Nabat, P., Önol, B., Ozturk, T., Panitz, H.-J., Paquin, D., Pieczka, I., Raffaele, F., Remedio, A. R., Scinocca, J., Sevault, F., Somot, S., Steger, C., Tangang, F., Teichmann, C., Termonia, P., Thatcher, M., Torma, C., van Meijgaard, E., Vautard, R., Warrach-Sagi, K., Winger, K., Zittis, G. (2022). The Worldwide C3S CORDEX Grand Ensemble: A Major Contribution to Assess Regional Climate Change in the IPCC AR6 Atlas. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

  • Dubois, E., Larocque, M., Gagné, S., Braun, M. (2022). Climate Change Impacts on Groundwater Recharge in Cold and Humid Climates: Controlling Processes and Thresholds. Climate.

  • Dunstone, N., Lockwood, J., Solaraju-Murali, B., Reinhardt, K., Tsartsali, E. E., Athanasiadis, P. J., Bellucci, A., Brookshaw, A., Caron, L.-P., Doblas-Reyes, F. J., Früh, B., González-Reviriego, N., Gualdi, S., Hermanson, L., Materia, S., Nicodemou, A., Nicolì, D., Pankatz, K., Paxian, A., Scaife, A., Smith, D., Thornton, H. E. (2022). Towards Useful Decadal Climate Services. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

  • Gousse-Lessard, A-S., Gachon, P., Vermeulen, V., Lessard, L. Le Beller, J., Boivin, M., Maltais, D., Landaverde, E., Généreux, M. et Motulsky, B. 2022. Intersectoral research and multi-risk approaches in Québec: systemic risk management and its psychosocial consequences. Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022.

  • Huard, D., Fyke, J., Capellán‐Pérez, I., Matthews, H. D., Partanen, A.-I. (2022). Estimating the Likelihood of GHG Concentration Scenarios From Probabilistic Integrated Assessment Model Simulations. Earth's Future.

  • Iturbide, M., Fernández, J., Gutiérrez, J. M., Pirani, A., Huard, D., Al Khourdajie, A., Baño-Medina, J., Bedia, J., Casanueva, A., Cimadevilla, E., Cofiño, A. S., De Felice, M., Diez-Sierra, J., García-Díez, M., Goldie, J., Herrera, D. A., Herrera, S., Manzanas, R., Milovac, J., Radhakrishnan, A., San-Martín, D., Spinuso, A., Thyng, K. M., Trenham, C., Yelekçi, Ö. (2022). Implementation of FAIR principles in the IPCC: the WGI AR6 Atlas repository. Scientific Data.

  • Lind, P., Belušić, D., Médus, E., Dobler, A., Pedersen, R. A., Wang, F., Matte, D., Kjellström, E., Landgren, O., Lindstedt, D., Christensen, O. B., Christensen, J. H. (2022). Climate change information over Fenno-Scandinavia produced with a convection-permitting climate model. Climate Dynamics.

  • Marquis, B., Bergeron, Y., Houle, D., Leduc, M., Rossi, S. (2022). Variability in frost occurrence under climate change and consequent risk of damage to trees of western Quebec, Canada. Scientific Reports.

  • Matte, D., Christensen, J. H., Feddersen, H., Vedel, H., Nielsen, N. W., Pedersen, R. A., Zeitzen, R. M. K. (2022). On the Potentials and Limitations of Attributing a Small‐Scale Climate Event. Geophysical Research Letters.

  • McCray, C. D., Thériault, J. M., Paquin, D., Bresson, É. (2022). Quantifying the Impact of Precipitation-Type Algorithm Selection on the Representation of Freezing Rain in an Ensemble of Regional Climate Model Simulations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.

  • McCray, C. D., Paquin, D., Thériault, J. M., Bresson, É. (2022). A Multi‐Algorithm Analysis of Projected Changes to Freezing Rain Over North America in an Ensemble of Regional Climate Model Simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

  • McCrary, R. R., Mearns, L. O., Abel, M. R., Biner, S., Bukovsky, M. S. (2022). Projections of North American snow from NA-CORDEX and their uncertainties, with a focus on model resolution. Climatic Change.

  • Pérez Bello, A., Mailhot, A., Paquin, D., Paquin‐Ricard, D. (2022). Temperature‐Precipitation Scaling Rates: A Rainfall Event‐Based Perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

  • Pérez-Zanón, N., Caron, L.-P., Terzago, S., Van Schaeybroeck, B., Lledó, L., Manubens, N., Roulin, E., Alvarez-Castro, M. C., Batté, L., Bretonnière, P.-A., Corti, S., Delgado-Torres, C., Domínguez, M., Fabiano, F., Giuntoli, I., von Hardenberg, J., Sánchez-García, E., Torralba, V., Verfaillie, D. (2022). Climate Services Toolbox (CSTools) v4.0: from climate forecasts to climate forecast information. Geoscientific Model Development.

  • Solaraju-Murali, B., Bojovic, D., Gonzalez-Reviriego, N., Nicodemou, A., Terrado, M., Caron, L.-P., Doblas-Reyes, F. J. (2022). How decadal predictions entered the climate services arena: an example from the agriculture sector. Climate Services.


  • Adam-Poupart A, Nicolakakis N, Anassour-Laouan Sidi E, Berry P, Campagna C, Chaumont D, Hamel D, Labrèche F, Sassine M-P, Smargiassi A, Zayed J. (2021). Changements climatiques et vulnérabilités à la chaleur des travailleuses et travailleurs canadiens – regard sur les provinces du centre et de l’ouest du Canada.…

  • Alves, M., Nadeau, D. F., Music, B., Anctil, F., Fatichi, S. (2021). Can we replace observed forcing with weather generator in land surface modeling? Insights from long-term simulations at two contrasting boreal sites. Theoretical and Applied Climatology.

  • Böhnisch, A., Mittermeier, M., Leduc, M., Ludwig, R. (2021). Hot Spots and Climate Trends of Meteorological Droughts in Europe–Assessing the Percent of Normal Index in a Single-Model Initial-Condition Large Ensemble. Frontiers in Water.

  • Boyer-Villemaire, U., Kanli, C. V., Ledoux, G., Gosselin, C. A., & Templier, S. 2021. Quantifying Psychosocial Impacts From Coastal Hazards for Cost-Benefit Analysis in Eastern Quebec, Canada. Frontiers in Climate, 69.

  • Braun, M., Thiombiano, A. N., Vieira, M. J. F., Stadnyk, T. A. (2021). Representing climate evolution in ensembles of GCM simulations for the Hudson Bay System. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene.

  • Champagne, O., Arain, M. A., Wang, S., Leduc, M., Russell, H. A. (2021). Interdecadal variability of streamflow in the Hudson Bay Lowlands watersheds driven by atmospheric circulation. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.

  • Généreux M, David MD, O'Sullivan T, Carignan MÈ, Blouin-Genest G, Champagne-Poirier O, Champagne É, Burlone N, Qadar Z, Herbosa T, Hung K, Ribeiro-Alves G, Arruda H, Michel P, Law R, Poirier A, Murray V, Chan E, Roy M. 2021. Communication strategies and media discourses in the age of COVID-19: an urgent need for action. Health Promot Int. 2021 Aug 30;36(4):1178-1185. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daaa136. PMID: 33294917; PMCID: PMC7799077

  • Grenier P., auteur contributeur pour : Gutiérrez et al. (2021) Atlas. In: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Masson-Delmotte et al. (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press. In Press.

  • Klotzbach, P. J., Wood, K. M., Bell, M. M., Blake, E. S., Bowen, S. G., Caron, L.-P., Collins, J. M., Gibney, E. J., Schreck, C. J., Truchelut, R. E. (2021). A Hyperactive End to the Atlantic Hurricane Season October–November 2020. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

  • Lieber, E., Demers, I., Pabst, T., Bresson, É. (2021). Simulating the effect of climate change on performance of a monolayer cover combined with an elevated water table placed on acid-generating mine tailings. Canadian Geotechnical Journal.

  • Materia, S., Ardilouze, C., Prodhomme, C., Donat, M. G., Benassi, M., Doblas‐Reyes, F. J., Peano, D., Caron, L.-P., Ruggieri, P., Gualdi, S. (2021). Summer temperature response to extreme soil water conditions in the Mediterranean transitional climate regime. Climate Dynamics.

  • Mittermeier, M., Bresson, É., Paquin, D., Ludwig, R. (2021). A Deep Learning Approach for the Identification of Long-Duration Mixed Precipitation in Montréal (Canada). Atmosphere-Ocean.

  • Moreno-Chamarro, E., Caron, L.-P., Loosveldt Tomas, S., Gutjahr, O., Moine, M.-P., Putrasahan, D., Roberts, C. D., Roberts, M. J., Senan, R., Terray, L., Tourigny, E., Vidale, P. L. (2021). Impact of increased resolution on long-standing biases in HighResMIP-PRIMAVERA climate models. .

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  • Bourgault, P., Straub, D., Duquette, K., Nadeau, L.-P., Tremblay, B. (2020). Vertical Heat Fluxes beneath Idealized Sea Ice Leads in Large-Eddy Simulations: Comparison with Observations from the SHEBA Experiment. Journal of Physical Oceanography.

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  • Alves, M., Music, B., Nadeau, D. F., Anctil, F. (2019). Comparing the Performance of the Maximum Entropy Production Model With a Land Surface Scheme in Simulating Surface Energy Fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

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  • Chavaillaz, Y., Roy, P., Partanen, A.-I., Da Silva, L., Bresson, É., Mengis, N., Chaumont, D., Matthews, H. D. (2019). Exposure to excessive heat and impacts on labour productivity linked to cumulative CO2 emissions. Scientific Reports.

  • Gagnon, A.-È., Bourgeois, G., Bourdages, L., Grenier, P., Blondlot, A. (2019). Impact of climate change on <i>Ostrinia nubilalis</i> (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) phenology and its implications on pest management. Agricultural and Forest Entomology.

  • Germain G, Simon A, Arsenault J, Baron G, Bouchard C, Chaumont D, El Allaki F, Kimpton A, Lévesque B, Massé A, Mercier M, Ogden NH, Picard I, Ravel A, Rocheleau JP, Soto J. (2019) Observatoire multipartite québecois sur les zoonoses et l’adaptation aux changements climatiques. Relevé des maladies transmissibles au Canada 2019; 45(5):159–64.

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  • Huot, Y., C.A. Brown, G. Potvin, D. Antoniades, H.M. Baulch, B.E. Beisner, S. Bélanger, S. Brazeau, H. Cabana, J.A. Cardille, P.A. del Giorgio, I. Gregory-Eaves, M-J. Fortin, A.S. Lang, I. Laurion, R. Maranger, Y T. Prairie, J.A. Rusak, P.A. Segura, R. Siron, J.P. Smol, R.D. Vinebrooke, D.A. Walsh. 2019. The NSERC Canadian Lake Pulse Network: A national assessment of lake health providing science for water management in a changing climate. Science of the Total Environment 695 (2019) 133668. Par :

  • Innocenti, S., Mailhot, A., Leduc, M., Cannon, A. J., Frigon, A. (2019). Projected Changes in the Probability Distributions, Seasonality, and Spatiotemporal Scaling of Daily and Subdaily Extreme Precipitation Simulated by a 50‐Member Ensemble Over Northeastern North America. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

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  • Leduc, M., Mailhot, A., Frigon, A., Martel, J.-L., Ludwig, R., Brietzke, G. B., Giguère, M., Brissette, F., Turcotte, R., Braun, M., Scinocca, J. (2019). The ClimEx Project: A 50-Member Ensemble of Climate Change Projections at 12-km Resolution over Europe and Northeastern North America with the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5). Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.

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  • Ameztegui A, Solarik KA, Parkins JR, Houle D, Messier C, Gravel D. 2018. Perceptions of climate change across the Canadian forest sector: The key factors of institutional and geographical environment. PLoS One. 2018 Jun 13;13(6):e0197689. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0197689. PMID: 29897977; PMCID: PMC5999070

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  • Garuma, G. F., J.-P. Blanchet, E. Girard and M. Leduc (2018). Urban Surface Effects on Current and Future Climate, Urban Climate, 24, 121–138.

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  • Masselot P, Chebana F, Bélanger D, St-Hilaire A, Abdous B, Gosselin P, Ouarda T. 2018. Aggregating the response in time series regression models, applied to weather-related cardiovascular mortality. Science of the Total Environment 628–629 (2018) 217–225.

  • Mehiriz, K.; Gosselin, P.; Tardif, I.; Lemieux, M.-A. 2018. The Effect of an Automated Phone Warning and Health Advisory System on Adaptation to High Heat Episodes and Health Services Use in Vulnerable Groups—Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15, 1581. Online:

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  • Splawinski T., Gauthier S., Fenton N. J., Houle D. et Bergeron Y. 2018. The colonization of young fire initiated stands by the crustose lichen Trapeliopsis granulosa (Hoffm.) and its potential effect on conifer establishment and stand succession. Sylva Fennica.

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  • Bresson, É., Laprise, R., Paquin, D., Thériault, J., de Elía, R. (2017). Evaluating the Ability of CRCM5 to Simulate Mixed Precipitation. Atmosphere-Ocean.

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  • Grenier, P. (2017). Two Types of Physical Inconsistency to Avoid with Univariate Quantile Mapping: A Case Study over North America Concerning Relative Humidity and Its Parent Variables. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology.

  • Hongoh, V., Gosselin, P., Michel, P., Ravel, A., Waaub, J.-P., Campagna, C., Samoura, K. 2017. Criteria for the prioritization of public health interventions for climate-sensitive vector-borne diseases in Quebec. PloS One, 12(12), e0190049.

  • Innocenti, S., Mailhot, A., Frigon, A. (2017). Simple scaling of extreme precipitation in North America. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences.

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