Training in partnership

The Ouranos team provides training on request, and contributes to the development of training programs for key partners.

This page lists the training courses for which Ouranos is a collaborator.

If you have any questions about training, please contact

Adaptation de l’environnement bâti et de l’aménagement du territoire aux changements climatiques : s’informer et s’outiller

Only available in French

This 15-hour e-learning course is primarily aimed at engineers, architects, urban planners and other professionals involved in the built environment and/or regional planning. It comprises five modules that can be followed independently.

Although the course is aimed at a wide range of professionals, specific content representing the particularities of each profession is presented. In addition, videos and concrete examples are used to support the theoretical concepts of climate science with more practical notions.

Relever le défi climatique : penser global, agir municipal

Only available in French

Since autumn 2023, the UMQ has been offering a training program entitled “Relever le défi climatique : penser global, agir municipal”. The course includes detailed training on the process of developing a municipal climate plan. 

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