Joint Call for Proposals RIISQ-Ouranos: Funding for 2 Postdoctoral Fellowships
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Ouranos and Quebec InterSectoral Flood Network (RIISQ) have agreed to fund two postdoctoral fellowships, for a maximum duration of 17 months.

This call offers financial support of up to $100,000 for the hiring of a postdoctoral fellow, with the aim of enabling researchers to conduct targeted studies related to the objectives of Ouranos' support program for INFO-Crue, with the goal of producing a scientific publication.

Subject of the Call for Proposals

These postdoctoral fellowships are intended to develop or enhance the most up-to-date knowledge on flood risks. The call aims in particular to contribute to better risk management and to a reduction of the consequences of flooding hazards according to the resilience factors of organizations, communities and individuals, thanks to a better spatialization of theoretical and practical knowledge. Spatialization, indeed, constitutes valuable knowledge in all components of flood risk management.
Please refer to the call's guide for further details.

Important dates
  • Launch of the call for proposals: June 9, 2023
  • Application deadline: September 5, 2023
  • Project start: November 2023 at the latest
  • Project eligibility period: until the end of March 2025


Consult the guide



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