Expert Panel on Adaptation: 20 recommendations and over 90 courses of action to accelerate adaptation in Québec
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The members of the Groupe d'experts en adaptation aux changements climatiques (GEA) have submitted their report to the Quebec government. They propose a coherent approach to accelerate Quebec's adaptation to climate change and take action today.  

Agir dès aujourd’hui pour adapter le Québec à la réalité des changements climatiques qui s’accélèrent

Recommendations of the Groupe d’experts en adaptation aux changements climatiques (GEA)

read the report

Fuelling science-based decision-making 

On September 26, 2023, at the end of a summer marked by extreme weather, Benoit Charrette, ministre de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs, asked Alain Bourque, Managing Director of Ouranos, and Alain Webster, President of the Comité consultatif sur les changements climatiques, to put together a multidisciplinary team of Quebec experts.

The aim of the GEA is to identify the most promising avenues for action in adapting to climate change, and to enable decision-making and the development of public policies based on scientific knowledge.

Five interdependent strategic priorities  

After several months of work, the members of the GEA have submitted their report to the government. 

Agir dès aujourd'hui pour adapter le Québec à la réalité des changements climatiques qui s'accélèrent contains a list of 20 recommendations, supported by more than 90 courses of action and structured around five interdependent strategic axes: 

  • Ensure preventive management of natural ecosystems and ecosystem services;

  • Protect the health, safety and well-being of all;

  • Adapt buildings and infrastructures and ensure the resilience of essential systems;

  • Facilitate the adaptation of economic activities and financial systems to risks;

  • Support the ability of all stakeholders to adapt and act.

Composition of the panel


  • Alain Bourque, Managing Director, Ouranos;

  • Alain Webster, Professor at Université de Sherbrooke and Chairman of the Comité consultatif sur les changements climatiques.


  • Michel Allard, Associate Professor Emeritus, Université Laval and research member of the Centre d'études nordiques;

  • Karine Dauphin, Executive Director, Regroupement des organismes de bassins versants du Québec;

  • Joanna Eyquem, General Manager, Infrastructures résilientes au climat, Centre Intact d'adaptation au climat , University of Waterloo;

  • Christian Fraser, Research Professional, Université du Québec à Rimouski;

  • Mario Gauthier, Professor, Université du Québec en Outaouais;

  • Yona Jébrak, Professor, Université du Québec à Montréal;

  • Christian Messier, Professor, Université du Québec en Outaouais and Montréal;

  • Julie-Maude Normandin, Chief Scientific Advisor, Ville de Longueuil;

  • Jeanne Robin, Senior Director, Vivre en Ville.

Collaboration of the Comité consultatif sur les changements climatiques

  • Annie Levasseur, Professor, École de technologie supérieure;

  • Marie-Jo Ouimet, Specialist in public health and preventive medicine, Institut national de santé publique du Québec;

  • Lota Dabio Tamini, Professor, Université Laval.

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