Call for tenders: development of the Climate Portraits code
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Ouranos is looking for an agency specializing in website production and support. Their mandate will be to develop a visually and ergonomically revised version of Climate Portraits, based on mock-ups created during a previous analysis phase of the project.

About Climate Portraits

Climate Portraits is a climate data portal designed by Ouranos. It has two main objectives:

  1. to disseminate climate scenarios to encourage their use in support of adaptation to climate change

  2. to democratize access to data resulting from Ouranos' climate science and climate services research. 

Three user-friendly visualization formats are offered on the portal: maps, graphs and summary tables. It is also possible to download the data and figures generated.

Project description

In December 2023, Ouranos launched a call for tenders to find an agency specializing in website support and production, for a complete analysis of the ergonomics of Portraits climatiques in relation to the needs of its target audience.  This project resulted in the creation of mock-ups representing Ouranos' vision for the redesign of Portraits climatiques.

Ouranos is therefore inviting tenders for the development of the visually and ergonomically revised Climate Portraits code.

You have until November 15, 2024 to submit your tender to


Consult the call for tenders (in french)

Consult the mock-ups (in French)

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