Plan the action in CC adaptation

In order to plan the action in climate change adaptation we developed a pathway which aims to support tourism association managers in the integration of responsible and sustainable tourism in their strategic planning, specifically as it pertains to climate change adaptation.
The main objective is to integrate the development of responsible and sustainable tourism into your strategic planning by determining orientations and objectives with regard to climate change adaptation.
This support pathway includes a series of 3 workshops and one feedback session based on the sharing of expertise and experience.
Establish the profile of your region or sector from a perspective of climate change adaptation planning
Identify actions or practices currently in place that directly or indirectly help your region/sector adapt to climate change and determine which of your mandates could represent a lever for integrating climate change adaptation into your strategic planning.
Workshop activities summary (in french only)
Identify priority climate change adaptation issues for your tourism association
Identify the climate hazards that affect your region or sector as well as the associated threats and opportunities that concern your tourism association to ultimately determine priority climate change adaptation issues.
Workshop activities summary (in french only)
Develop strategic orientations and objectives that integrate climate change adaptation
To be able to plan your tourism association’s transition by developing clear, strategic orientations and objectives that incorporate climate change adaptation.
Workshop activities summary (in french only)
Share your strategic thinking regarding climate change adaptation
Share your feedback on the pathway and identify levers for action.
Workshop 4 recording (in french only)
Workshop activities summary (in french only)