Scientific and operational value of alternative datasets in hydrological science
The CANOPEX database can be used as a baseline for climate change and adaptation studies in a coherent framework across Canada
The CANOPEX database can be used as a baseline for climate change and adaptation studies in a coherent framework across Canada
Studying the potential impacts of climate change on northern biodiversity will provide better tools for tracking its spatial and temporal dynamics. The results will help identify areas that meet the goals of the protected areas network and ensure sound biodiversity conservation.
It is important to take into account both the direct impact and indirect impact (via disturbance regimes) of climate on vegetation in order to understand how climate change will affect the future distribution of species.
This project has highlighted the importance of changing stormwater management practices in urban areas in order to adapt drainage systems to climate change. One of the actions suggested in this project is to promote projects that reduce impervious surfaces.
Agricultural land has become increasingly sensitive in recent years to climate extremes. This work is a preliminary phase in developing regional management strategies for agricultural practices and land use.
The use of the maps created with this project as a tool for community land-development planning was a simple but fundamental initial means of adapting to climate change.
The results of this project have led to a better understanding of the relationship between the surface layer and permafrost processes. They have also benefited local communities by providing an innovative methodology for planning transport infrastructure maintenance on sensitive permafrost in particular.
This project has helped to develop an international-scale pilot project in the field of integrated watershed management in the context of climate change.
In light of the results obtained, the scope of the expected water-level declines will require equally significant adaptation measures.
The results of this project have produced better tools and methods that hydropower companies can use to incorporate the impacts of climate and climate changes on the power production of their installations.