Economic analysis of climate change impacts on low flows and the consequences for various water uses in the Yamaska river watershed

The study shows that it would be more appropriate then a warning system to consider long-term measures to reduce municipal water consumption throughout the year, along with measures to increase the retention capacity of the watershed.

Towards efficient water use and consevation measures adaptable to climate change for the St. Lawrence watershed

Analysis of climate analogs can help water managers and decision makers to direct their search for information on adaptation methods towards regions identified as sharing similar climates, and draw upon the most appropriate adaptation measures from among the water use and conservation strategies and programs already being used by particular sectors of activity.

Assessment of climate change impacts on the caribou, the land, the Naskapi Nation, and identification of priority adaptation strategies

The project helped to provide the Naskapi community with a Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan that applies across four sectors: animals, hunting and travelling on the land, health and well-being, culture and learning.

Producing predictive maps of permafrost characteristics to guide the development of the built environment in Nunavik communities

The maps produced in this project have already been used to select suitable sites for the construction of residential buildings. The results of these analyses were also used in projects to develop tools for improving municipal management.

Impacts of climate change on the pavements of the Quebec road network

The project results are directly applicable by the stakeholders in the road sector. The percentages of the relative service life span can be considered in the design phase of the road structures in order to adapt the pavements to climate change. The methodology for selecting a frost index adapted to in the design phase that takes climate change into account is also directly applicable by practitioners.

Preliminary study to develop a methodology for assessing the socioeconomic vulnerabilities and adaptation capacities of Quebec's forest regions under climate change

This study provides perspectives for the development of one or more decision support tools that would enable forest communities to identify priority areas of vulnerability so that they can develop a strategy for strengthening the capacity to adapt to climate change.

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