The big questions about climate change

In video


Before we can take action to build resilient and climate-adapted societies, it is essential to understand some key concepts about climate science and adaptation.  

Discover concepts and answers to frequently asked questions about climate change, adaptation and climate science in Ouranos' new series of animated and accessible videos. (In French, with English subtitles available)

How will climate change affect Quebec in the coming years?

Climate change is already shaping our daily lives. What are their causes? And what will be their consequences in Quebec in the years to come? Learn about the impacts of climate change in the province and other answers in this video.

How do we adapt to climate change?

We are increasingly encouraged to adapt to climate change today and to prepare for tomorrow. But what does “adapting” actually mean? What can adaptation solutions look like? Discover the main principles of adaptation science and other answers in this video.


How does science allow us to look at the future climate?

To be able to adapt to climate change, it is essential to understand how the climate works and how it will evolve in the future. But how do scientists anticipate the climate of the coming years? Learn the basics of climate modeling and other answers in this video.

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