Climate Science and Climate Services . Economy
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Portrait of Snow Cover Indices
This project will facilitate access to historic and future snow cover data across Quebec at a resolution in the order of 10 km. Users and decision-makers from a multitude of sectors will enjoy a broader range of climate information to integrate into their adaptation plans.
Scientific manager(s) :
Émilie Bresson, Ouranos
PINS - Portrait des indices de neige au sol
Bresson, é., Dupuis, É., Bourgault, P.
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Integration of climate change into the design and reclamation of tailings storage facilities
This study responds to a need expressed by mining companies and the provincial government to review mining waste management measures by considering climate change and its impacts on the industry in order to ensure the long-term sustainability and safety of tailings structures.
Scientific manager(s) :
Bruno Bussière, IRME UQAT
Impact of climate change on extreme rainfall events and surface water management at mine waste storage facilities
Labonté-Raymond P.L., Pabst T., Bussière B.,…
Simulating the effect of climate change on performance of a monolayer cover combined with an elevated water table placed on acid-generating mine tailings
Lieber E., Demers, I., Pabst T., Bresson E.
Influence of climate change on the ability of a cover with capillary barrier effects to control acid generation
Hotton, G., Bussière, B., Pabst, T., Bresson, É.,…
Influence des changements climatiques sur la performance de couverture à effets de barrière capillaire : étude du cas Lorraine
Hotton G.
Impact de la hausse d’intensité des précipitations extrêmes causée par les changements climatiques dans la gestion de l’eau de surface des aires d’entreposage des rejets miniers.
Labonté-Raymond, P.-L.
Effet des changements climatiques sur la stabilité géotechnique d'un parc à résidus.
Gandonou, M.
Outside Programming
Hors programmation
Project completed
Developing a climate change adaptation plan
The guide to developing a climate change adaptation plan is specifically designed to support municipal organizations in Quebec in their adaptation processes by helping them assess and manage the risks associated with climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Isabelle Charron, Ouranos
Climate change adaptation planning: A guide for municipal bodies
Workbook 1 - Climate risk assessment tool
Workbook 2 - Climate risk assessment tool (Hypothetical example)
Workbook 3 - Planning the implementation of the measures
Workbook 4 - Planning monitoring of the measures
Economy . Climate Governance
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Supporting Climate Change Adaptation in Quebec’s Tourism Sector
Under Thrust 5 of the 2020-2025 Action Plan for Responsible and Sustainable Tourism, Quebec’s Ministry of Tourism (MTO) is interested in acquiring and sharing knowledge on climate change mitigation, supporting partners in testing innovative solutions, and stimulating the mobilization of regional and sectoral players for a tourism industry that is resilient to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Ouranos; Ministère du Tourisme du Québec
Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project starting
Post-2100 Climate Scenarios - Case Studies in the Mining Sector
This project aims to produce and disseminate climate scenarios for assessing the impacts of greenhouse gases beyond 2100. Case studies will be done to illustrate their use in analyzing the climate vulnerabilities of mine site reclamation infrastructure.
Scientific manager(s) :
Émilie Bresson, Ouranos
Climate Governance . Social and Health Challenges
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Climate change adaptation in Quebec: improving communication and fostering public engagement in a pandemic context
This project is a first step towards the integration of knowledge on climate change adaptation communication in Québec. This work will serve as a springboard for future R&D and to boost this emerging field of expertise.
Scientific manager(s) :
Erick Lachapelle
Guide pratique : Parler efficacement des changements climatiques
Boivin, M., Grenier, G., Dragomir, A.
Communiquer sur l’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans un contexte pandémique au Québec
Boivin, M., Champagne St-Arnaud, V., Briand, A.-S…
Cinq raisons de positionner la santé et le bien-être des québécois(e)s au cœur de la lutte aux changements climatiques
Généreux, M., Landaverde, E.
Impacts psychosociaux de la pandémie de covid-19 : résultats d’une large enquête québécoise
Généreux, M., Landaverde, E.