2015 Edition | Climate Change Knowledge Synthesis

This synthesis will provide a scientific foundation and food for thought for adaptation experts and practitioners for whom climate change is an important issue in their mandates and activities. This knowledge is the starting point for supporting adaptation decisions and taking action to make Quebec more resilient to current and future climate change.

Project details
Scientific program
Outside Programming
Theme(s) and priority(s)
Outside Programming
Start and duration
Project Status
Principal(s) investigator(s)
Robert Siron
Liza Leclerc


In Quebec, the research conducted by the Ouranos consortium contributes to the development of knowledge to understand the regional climate changes we are facing, and will have to face. This knowledge is fundamental to our understanding of how the climate works and feeds into impact scenarios for various sectors of society. In turn, studies of the vulnerability of natural and human systems to climate change provide the basis on which we can develop strategies to adapt to climate change and reduce its impacts. The question of whether to invest in adaptation to climate change is no longer relevant. Rather, it is time to find ways to move quickly and effectively towards adaptation.

This knowledge synthesis is the result of an unprecedented effort on the part of Ouranos, which mobilized its entire network of partners to gather expertise in all the fields concerned. It follows and updates the previous document published by Ouranos in 2010. The emphasis has been placed on new knowledge acquired since then, thanks in particular to research supported by the consortium, but also to research conducted elsewhere in Canada and around the world, the results of which are relevant to the implementation of adaptation in Quebec. 

Scientific publications

Document type
Synthèse des connaissances sur les changements climatiques, édition 2015
Siron, R., Ouranos; Leclerc, L., Ouranos
Synthèse des connaissances sur les changements climatiques, sommaire 2014
Leclerc, L., Siron, R., Logan, T., Côte, H.,…
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