Ecosystems and Biodiversity . Nordic Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Modelling the future of Arctic fox rabies dynamics associated risk management
The results of this project will be very useful in assisting with the planning of public health measures to prevent human exposure to rabies from foxes in the rapidly changing climate of Nunavik and Labrador.
Scientific manager(s) :
Patrick Leighton, Université de Montréal
Modélisation de la dynamique future de la rage du renard arctique et gestion du risque associé
Leighton, P.
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Spatial assessment of the risk of consumption of contaminated (drinking) water during floods
This project will allow the development of a territorial decision support tool that can eventually be applied to the entire Quebec territory. It will also contribute to increasing the protection and resilience of communities.
Scientific manager(s) :
Geneviève Bordeleau, INRS; Roxanne Lavoie, Université Laval; Karem Chokmani, INRS; Hachem Agili, Geosapiens
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Assessing the performance and uniqueness of hydrological simulations produced by a heterogeneous climate ensemble and recommending a weighting scheme for this ensemble to meet the needs of the INFO-Crue project
This project has advanced our understanding of how hydrological simulations in this type of ensemble must be combined to maximize the information contained in these projections.
Scientific manager(s) :
Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse & Marco Braun, Ouranos
Pondération des scénarios climatiques d’INFO-crue sur la base de l’unicité et de la performance des simulations hydrologiques
Rondeau-Genesse, G., Braun, M. et Caron, L.P.,…
Water Management
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Documentation of historic floods to obtain quantitative data for hydrological and hydraulic flood modelling
Scientific manager(s) :
Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse, Ouranos
Extreme Events . Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Preparation and analysis of CMIP6 data for the production of hydrological simulations
Scientific manager(s) :
Juliette Lavoie and Louis-Philippe Caron, Ouranos
Extreme Events . Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
IRENE : Radar imaging for water level estimation
By estimating water levels in ungauged areas, virtual stations contribute to the improvement of these essential tools. Based on free, easily accessible images, the approach will provide data on multiple sectors at an almost daily frequency and at little cost.
Scientific manager(s) :
Karem Chokmani, INRS
Extreme Events . Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Evaluating uncertainty in maximum flood flow estimated from hydrometric data for southern Québec basins
Once completed, the methodology developed will make it possible to estimate uncertainties in extreme flow values for different return periods for all gauged sites in southern Québec. This knowledge of uncertainty will provide a better understanding of flood events and a better estimation of flood-risk areas.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Mailhot, INRS; Jonathan Jalbert, Polytechnique Montréal
Évaluation des incertitudes sur les débits estimés aux stations hydrométriques du Québec méridional
Mailhot, A., Bolduc, S. et Talbot, G.
Évaluation des incertitudes sur les débits estimés aux stations hydrométriques du Québec méridional (résumé exécutif)
Mailhot, A., Bolduc, S. et Talbot, G.
Extreme Events . Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Evaluation of the impact of land use on watershed hydrology and flood flows
Public safety officials, hydrological system managers and hydroclimatology researchers will be able to better assess the impacts of climate change on water resources based on changes in vegetation cover.
Scientific manager(s) :
Annie Poulin, ETS
Water Management . Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Assessing the value of weighting a heterogeneous climate model ensemble to improve future hydroclimatic projections over southern Quebec
This project has advanced our understanding of how heterogeneous ensemble simulations should be combined to maximize the information contained in climate projections.
Scientific manager(s) :
Martin Leduc, Ouranos
Évaluer l'intérêt de pondérer un ensemble hétérogène de modèles de climat afin d'améliorer les projections hydroclimatiques futures sur le Québec méridional
Leduc, M., Bégin, A.-M., Paquin, D., Biner, S.
Climate Simulation and Analysis
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
A hydrological model that incorporates the energy balance (EVAP-1)
In the short term, improved modelling of evapotranspiration in hydrological models will allow hydropower producers to better manage reservoir water levels, optimizing plant output.
Scientific manager(s) :
François Anctil, Université Laval Daniel Nadeau, Université Laval Sylvan Jutras, Université Laval René Therrien, Université Laval Biljana Music, Ouranos
On the Performance of the Canadian Land Surface Scheme Driven by the ERA5 Reanalysis over the Canadian Boreal Forest
Alves M., Nadeau D.F., Music B., Anctil F.,…
Application of the Maximum Entropy Production Model of Evapotranspiration over Partially Vegetated Water-Limited Land Surfaces
Hajji I., Nadeau D. F., Music B., Anctil F., Wang…
Solar radiation transmittance of a boreal balsam fir canopy: Spatiotemporal variability and impacts on growing season hydrology
Isabelle P. E., Nadeau D. F., Asselin M.-H.,…
Impacts of high precipitation on the energy and water budgets of a humid boreal forest
Isabelle P. E., Nadeau D. N., Anctil F., Rousseau…
Evaluation of the Soil, Vegetation, and Snow (SVS) Land Surface Model for the Simulation of Surface Energy Fluxes and Soil Moisture under Snow-Free Conditions
Leonardini G., Anctil F., Abrahamowicz M.,…
Exploring the spatiotemporal variability of the snow water equivalent in a small boreal forest catchment through observation and modelling
Parajuli A., Nadeau D. F., Anctil F., Parent A.-C…
Evaluation of Catch Efficiency Transfer Functions for Unshielded and Single-Alter-Shielded Solid Precipitation Measurements
Pierre A., Jutras S., Smith C., Kochendorfer J.,…
Analysis of Water Vapor Fluxes Over a Seasonal Snowpack Using the Maximum Entropy Production Model
Hajji I., Nadeau D. F., Music B., Anctil F., Wang…
The Dynamics of Transpiration to Evapotranspiration Ratio under Wet and Dry Canopy Conditions in a Humid Boreal Forest
Hadiwijaya B., Pepin S., Isabelle P. E., Nadeau D…
Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Data Analytics for Canadian Climate Services (DACCS)
The project will improve efficiency in the production of climate services and in the traceability of results, as well as improve the consideration of climate science needs by bodies that develop international standards.
Scientific manager(s) :
Steve Easterbrook, University of Toronto
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Impact of assimilating snow cover observations for streamflow simulation and forecasting in Québec
This project will determine whether assimilating snow in HYDROTEL improves hydrological simulation and forecasting, and if so, under what conditions.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marie-Amélie Boucher, Université de Sherbrooke
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project in closing
Assessment of the Impact of Land Use Change on Climate – Phase I
Many climate change adaptation and mitigation measures involve changes in land use, including urban planning, agricultural practices, the planting of trees or crops for bioenergy or carbon capture, and the restoration of natural ecosystems.
Scientific manager(s) :
Martin Leduc, Ouranos Dominique Paquin, Ouranos Olivier Asselin, Ouranos
On the Intercontinental Transferability of Regional Climate Model Response to Severe Forestation
Asselin O., Leduc, M., Paquin D., Di Luca, A.,…
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Improved historical reconstruction of daily flows and annual maxima in gauged and ungauged basins
The results of this project will provide decision-makers with a better understanding of the risks related to extreme flood events in both gauged and ungauged areas. Annual peak flow distributions for spring and summer-autumn flood periods will be used to drive the hydraulic models in the flood zone mapping process.
Scientific manager(s) :
Richard Arsenault, ÉTS et Annie Poulin, ÉTS
Climate Simulation and Analysis
2014-2019 programming
Project in progress
Snowstorms over northeastern north america: quantification and expected changes
The expected results will enable decision makers on the east coast of North America to better plan future needs for emergency response and equipment in the event of snowstorms.
Scientific manager(s) :
Gavin Schmidt (GISS-NASA), Dominique Paquin (Ouranos), Martin Leduc (Ouranos)
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Providing climate scenarios for the Canadian Arctic with improved post-processing methods
This recent Arctic regional climate portrait provides decision-makers with climate data for sectors that are not covered by the observation stations generally used.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Mailhot, INRS-ETE; Dany Dumont, UQAR-ISMER; Patrick Grenier, Ouranos/UQAM-ESCER
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Updating the Canadian snow course database
Updating the database has contributed to improving and validating climate tools and products.
Scientific manager(s) :
Ross Brown, ECCC/Ouranos
Update of Canadian historical snow survey dataset. Project report, Environment and Climate Change Canada and Ouranos
Fang, B.
Update of Canadian Historical Snow Survey Data and Analysis of Snow Water Equivalent Trends, 1967–2016
Brown, R.D., Fang, B. and Mudryk, L.
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
PAVICS : Power Analytics and Vizualization for Climate Science
The PAVICS platform provides researchers with more effective access to the climate information they need for projects on climate change vulnerability, impacts and adaptation.
Scientific manager(s) :
Diane Chaumont, Ouranos, Samuel Foucher, Centre de recherche informatique de Montréal
Pôle d'analyse et de visualisation de l'information climatique et scientifique
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Selection and post-processing of climate model outputs to build an ensemble of standard climate scenarios
The methodology was developed iteratively with user feedback for a range applications, ensuring the relevance of the climate scenarios for adaptation stakeholders.
Scientific manager(s) :
Blaise Gauvin St-Denis, Travis Logan, Ouranos
An Objective Approach to Select Climate Scenarios when Projecting Species Distribution under Climate Change
Casajus, N., Périé, C., Logan, T., Lambert, M.C.,…
Toward daily climate scenarios for Canadian Arctic coastal zones with more realistic temperature-precipitation interdependence
Gennaretti, F., Sangelantoni, L., Grenier, P.
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Test bed for a decision making protocol in the hydroelectric sector
Managers now have access to an interactive tool enabling them to better understand the issues and to integrate climate information in their decision-making process.
Scientific manager(s) :
David Huard and René Roy, Ouranos
Un regard nouveau sur l'information climatique
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Probability of temporary local cooling
The published journal article is designed to enlighten researchers and decision-makers working in the areas of vulnerabilities, impacts and adaptation about the role of natural variability in climate evolution, which is preventing climate warming caused by human activities occuring gradually.
Scientific manager(s) :
Patrick Grenier, Ramón de Elía, Diane Chaumont, Ouranos
Chances of Short-Term Cooling Estimated from a Selection of CMIP5-Based Climate Scenarios during 2006–35 over Canada
Grenier, P., de Elía R., Chaumont, D.
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Toward climate resilient infrastructure: standard guidance for weather and climate information
A complete state-of-play report on how climate change is included into infrastructure design in Canada.
Scientific manager(s) :
Philippe Roy, Ouranos
Guide de normalisation pour les données météorologiques, l’information climatique et les prévisions relatives aux changements climatiques
Roy, P., Fournier, E., Huard, D.
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Development of a future bioclimate profile for Nunavik
The future portrait of 81 climate indicators for the territory of Nunavik will drive a variety of climate change impact and adaptation studies, including studies on the food security of Aboriginal populations and fauna/ecosystem modelling. The use of alternative data made it possible to produce finer subdivisions of northern bioclimate, which may serve as a baseline for ecologists.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Mailhot, INRS-ETE; Diane Chaumont, Ouranos
Élaboration du portrait bioclimatique futur du Nunavik | Tome 1
Mailhot, A., Chaumont, D.
Élaboration du portrait bioclimatique futur du Nunavik | Tome 2
Mailhot, A., Chaumont, D.
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
cQ2 – Climate change impacts on runoff (Q) in Québec
A notable outcome are the 2013 and 2015 editions of the Hydroclimatic Atlas of Central Québec by Direction de l’Expertise hydrique (MDDELCC) providing profound insight into the future modifications of the hydrology of Québec. This helped decision makers to understand these changes and develop and adapt strategies in order to respond to the new normal.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marco Braun, Ouranos, Catherine Guay, Hydro-Québec, Simon Ricard, MDDELCC, Marco Latraverse, RTA, Gregory Seiller, ULaval
Atlas Hydroclimatique 2013 et 2015
A global portrait of hydrological changes at the 2050 horizon for the province of Québec
Guay, C. Minville, M., Braun, M.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Economic analysis of climate change adaptation measures applied to the alpine skiing industry in Québec
The profitability of the sector and regional economic activity related to ski stations depend on the industry's response to climate change challenges. Ski stations are at the heart of a tightly knit economic ecosystem. These challenges represent an opportunity for them to explore new business models.
Scientific manager(s) :
Stéphanie Bleau, Ouranos
Analyse économique des mesures d’adaptation aux changements climatiques appliquée au secteur du ski alpin au Québec.
Da Silva, L., Desrochers, F.-A., Pineault, K.,…
Forest Resources
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Adapting Forests to Climate Change: Evaluating Forest Responses and Mitigation Scenarios to Multiple Stresses
Chronic multiple repeat events of low amplitude may cause more long-term losses than punctual severe disturbances yet are easier to ignore. Forest industry and governments must prepare for the combined effects of long term effects.
Scientific manager(s) :
Daniel Kneesaw, UQAM
Sequential droughts: the silent trigger of boreal forest mortality
Sánchez-Pinillos, M., D’Orangeville, L.,…
Boreal tree growth exhibits decadal-scale ecological memory to drought and insect defoliation, but no negative response to their interaction
Itter, M., D’Orangeville, L., Dawson, A.,…
Smartforests Canada: A Network of Monitoring Plots for Forest Management Under Environmental Change
Pappas, C., Bélanger, N., Bergeron, Y., Blarquez,…
Forest Resources
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
The Integration of Climate Change and the Development of Adaptive Capacity into the Determination of Allowable Cuts in Quebec Forests
The approach developed provides decision-makers with a decision-making aid process that summarizes the results of the model.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jean Girard, Bureau du forestier en chef
Intégration des changements climatiques et développement de la capacité d’adaptation dans la détermination des niveaux de récolte au Québec
Girard, J., Forest, B., Pelletier, D., Saucier, F…
Forest Resources
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Capacity for post-fire and post-harvesting regeneration, rehabilitation and growth of juvenile/immature stands in the boreal forest
The results will enable forest managers to assess the extent to which forestry can be developed in these northern areas and using which practices, taking into account natural disturbances influenced by climate change. In addition, better anticipation of the consequences of climate change will improve the ability to manage the forest in such a way as to maintain productive stands and thereby achieve sustainable forest management.
Scientific manager(s) :
Yves Bergeron, UQAM-UQAT
Projections of future forest age class structure under the influence of fire and harvesting: implications for forest management in the boreal forest of eastern Canada
Bergeron, Y., Pillai Vijayakumar, D.B.I.,…
Analyzing risk of regeneration failure in the managed boreal forest of northwestern Quebec Canadian
Splawinski, T.B., Cyr, D., Gauthier, S., Jetté, J…
Key ecosystem attributes and productivity of boreal stands 20 years after the onset of silviculture scenarios of increasing intensity
Urli, M., Thiffault, N., Barrette, M., and L…
Fire disturbance data improves the accuracy of remotely sensed estimates of aboveground biomass for boreal forests in eastern Canad
Pillai Vijayakum, D.B.I., Raulier, F., Bernier, P…
Fires of the last millennium led to landscapes dominated by early successional species in Québec’s Clay
Asselin, M., Grondin, P., Lavoie, M., and B…
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Understanding the Needs and Decision-Making Mechanisms of Future Users of the Real-Time Flood Forecasting Tool
The project will support the development of predictive mapping adapted to user needs that will help to better equip institutions and organizations involved in flood management to ensure the safety and well-being of the population.
Scientific manager(s) :
Anissa Frini, Université du Québec à Rimouski; Marie-Amélie Boucher, Université de Sherbrooke; Alexandrine Bisaillon, Ouranos
Outil prévisionnel en temps réel des crues
Frini, A.
Besoins et préférences des citoyens pour l’outil prévisionnel en temps réel des crues : une recherche mixte
Jean V., Frini A., Boucher M-A., Mbaye K.
Compréhension des besoins et des mécanismes décisionnels des futurs utilisateurs de l’outil prévisionnel en temps réel des crues : Recherche qualitative menée auprès des ministères du gouvernement du Québec
Jean V., Frini A., Boucher M-A., Desjardins R.
Recherche qualitative menée auprès des municipalités concernés par les inondations
Frini, A., Boucher, M.-A.
Recherche qualitative menée auprès d’organismes concernés par les inondations
Frini, A., Boucher, M.-A.
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Development of a Gridded Observational Dataset for the Post-Processing of Simulations According to Hydrological Performance
The production of a high-quality gridded meteorological dataset for Québec, and potentially the whole of North America, will open the door to several avenues of research, including measuring the impact of this grid on climate simulation bias correction, long-term hydrological forecasting, and modelling and calibration of hydrological models.
Scientific manager(s) :
Annie Poulin, ETS
Développement d'un jeu de grilles observationnelles pour effectuer le post-traitement des simulations climatiques selon la performance hydrologique
Bérubé, S., Poulin, A., Brissette, F., Arsenault,…
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Integrative Frequency Analysis
The developed model will allow for the estimation of flood levels corresponding to fixed levels of risk, which will be used by the DEH to draw up a new map of flood zones in southern Québec.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jonathan Jalbert, Polytechnique Montréal
Climate Governance . Social and Health Challenges
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Climate change adaptation in Quebec: improving communication and fostering public engagement in a pandemic context
This project is a first step towards the integration of knowledge on climate change adaptation communication in Québec. This work will serve as a springboard for future R&D and to boost this emerging field of expertise.
Scientific manager(s) :
Erick Lachapelle
Guide pratique : Parler efficacement des changements climatiques
Boivin, M., Grenier, G., Dragomir, A.
Communiquer sur l’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans un contexte pandémique au Québec
Boivin, M., Champagne St-Arnaud, V., Briand, A.-S…
Cinq raisons de positionner la santé et le bien-être des québécois(e)s au cœur de la lutte aux changements climatiques
Généreux, M., Landaverde, E.
Impacts psychosociaux de la pandémie de covid-19 : résultats d’une large enquête québécoise
Généreux, M., Landaverde, E.
Water Management . Extreme Events
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Watershed prioritization tool for flood risk management
Contribution to the prioritization of watersheds to be mapped in order to ensure public safety from flooding through the use of the results and the tool.
Scientific manager(s) :
Anissa Frini, Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR)
Outil de priorisation des bassins versants pour la gestion des risques des inondations dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de l’initiative info-crue au Québec
Frini A., Besnard C.A., Benabbou L., Adda M.,…
Climate Science and Climate Services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Extreme precipitation and laws of scale: impacts of climate cycles and natural climate variability
This study confirms that the use of scaling laws provides a better characterization of extreme precipitation. Their application will allow for better use of available observational data and thus a better characterization of historical climate, particularly at temporal and spatial resolutions not covered by observational data.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Mailhot, INRS-ETE; Anne Frigon, Ouranos
Observed and Simulated Precipitation over Northeastern North America: How Do Daily and Subdaily Extremes Scale in Space and Time?
Innocenti S. et al
Projected Changes in the Probability Distributions, Seasonality, and Spatiotemporal Scaling of Daily and Subdaily Extreme Precipitation Simulated by a 50-Member Ensemble Over Northeastern
Innocenti S. et al
Simple scaling of extreme precipitations in North America. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS)
Innocenti S. et al
Climate Simulation and Analysis
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Evaluation of snow cover simulated by the CRCM5 for the CROQ database
The snow cover data simulated by the CRCM5 at a 15 km resolution as part of the CROQ project will enable members of Ouranos to work with finer scale data covering all of Québec, in the knowledge of its limitations thanks to the robustness study of the model and its evaluation with a set of observed data.
Scientific manager(s) :
René Laprise, UQAM; Sébastien Biner, Ouranos
Évaluation de la neige au sol simulée par le MRCC5 pour la base de données de CROQ
Bresson, E., Biner, S.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Analysis of climate change risks and opportunities for the Quebec city and Charlevoix tourism sectors
The collaborative approach increased awareness and the general uptake of knowledge related to climate change within the tourism sector and provided a better understanding of the perceptions, attitudes and behaviours of tourism stakeholders.
Scientific manager(s) :
Stéphanie Bleau, Ouranos; Claude Péloquin, Chaire de tourisme Transat, ESG UQAM
Diagnostic des risques et des opportunités liés aux changements climatiques pour le secteur touristique des régions de Québec et de Charlevoix
Paque G., Bleau S., Lebon C., Germain K., Vachon…
Climate Simulation and Analysis
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Water footprint and impact of hydroelectric reservoirs in the northern boreal forest of Quebec on the regional climate
The results could serve as tools in the development of hydroelectric projects in northern Québec. Among other things, they help decision-makers understand and anticipate the temporal and spatial scale and the nature of the climate changes associated with the creation of hydroelectric reservoirs.
Scientific manager(s) :
Daniel Nadeau, Université Laval; Biljana Music, Ouranos; Tew-Fik Mahdi, Polytechnique Montréal
Impacts of boreal hydroelectric reservoirs on seasonal climate and precipitation recycling as simulated by the CRCM5: a case study of the La Grande River watershed, Canada
Irambona, C., Music, B., Nadeau, D. F., Mahdi, T…
Impacts des réservoirs hydroélectriques du bassin versant de la rivière la grande sur l'hydroclimatologie locale et le cycle hydrologique
Irambona, C.
Climate Simulation and Analysis
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Analysis of precipitable water from MRCC4
Rather than relying on historical PMPs, the use of simulated PMPs for future periods will improve probable maximum flood estimates, enabling the designers of hydraulic structures to better plan their infrastructures.
Scientific manager(s) :
Dominique Paquin, Anne Frigon, Ouranos
Impacts of boreal hydroelectric reservoirs on seasonal climate and precipitation recycling as simulated by the CRCM5: a case study of the La Grande River watershed, Canada
Irambona, C., Music, B., Nadeau, D. F., Mahdi, T…
Extreme Events . Water Management
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Support for INFO-Crue
In the aftermath of the events of Spring 2017, the Government of Quebec approached various players to initiate reflection on how best to manage flooding risks across the province in the context of a changing climate. This brainstorming activity culminated in a number of important realizations, including the need for comprehensive and up-to-date mapping of flood zones throughout Quebec that would foster adequate awareness of the risk inherent in land management decisions and the implementation of adaptation solutions. Following this exercise, the project INFO-Crue was launched.
Scientific manager(s) :
MELCC, Ouranos
Climate Scenarios and services . Climate Simulation and Analysis
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
A new framework for using climate scenario data for impacts and assessment studies
This project provided an objective method to estimate how future global emissions will affect regional climate changes that does not rely on assumptions about a particular greenhouse gas emissions scenario.
Scientific manager(s) :
Damon Matthews, Université Concordia, Martin Leduc, Ouranos, Antti-Ilari Partanen, Ouranos et Université Sherbrooke
Regional estimates of the transient climate response to cumulative CO2 emissions
Leduc, M., Matthews, H. D., et Elía, R.
Seasonal climate change patterns due to cumulative CO2 emissions
Partanen, A.-I., Leduc, M. et Matthews, H.D.
Forest Resources
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Quantifying and Mapping the Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Productivity in Eastern Canada
The results of preliminary simulations and theory support the idea that forest management could accelerate the response of forest stands to climate change. Opening the forest canopy accelerates succession by modifying competition interactions within the stand.
Scientific manager(s) :
Dominique Gravel, Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR)
Quantifier et cartographier les impacts des changements climatiques sur la productivité des forêts de l'Est du Canada
Gravel, D.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Prioritization Tools for Diseases and Interventions Targeting Populations in Africa and Canada Vulnerable to Water-Related Health Issues
Accounting and evaluating diverse interests can be formally integrated in decision aid processes such as MCDA and can be used to help structure and make more informed decisions, especially in the context of limited resources.
Scientific manager(s) :
Pascal Michel et Valérie Hongoh, Université de Montréal
Prioritization tools for diseases and interventions targeting populations in Africa and Canada vulnerable to water-related health issues
Michel, P.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Interactive Atlas of the Vulnerability of the Quebec Population to Climate Hazards for Local and Regional Stakeholders
Québec’s municipal managers, professionals and planners have a new tool oriented to their needs at their disposal for assessing and mapping population vulnerability to heat waves and hydrometeorological hazards.
Scientific manager(s) :
Nathalie Barrette, Université Laval; Marie-Hélène Vandersmissen, Université Laval; Francis Roy, Université Laval
Atlas interactif de la vulnérabilité de la population québécoise aux aléas climatiques
Atlas web de la vulnérabilité de la population québécoise aux aléas climatiques
Barrette, N., Vandersmissen, M.-H., Roy, F.
Forest Resources
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Maple syrup production and climate change: Identifying maple syrup producers’ concerns and providing them with the best information to promote and support adaptation
Among many economic activities, the production of Maple syrup is one of the most directly related to the climate and particularly to the spring climate.
Scientific manager(s) :
Daniel Houle, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP)
Production de sirop d'érable face aux changements climatiques: perception des acériculteurs du Canada et des États-Unis
Legault, S., Plouffe-Leboeuf A., Houle D.,…
Perceptions of U.S. and Canadian maple syrup producers toward climate change, its impacts, and potential adaptation measures
Legault, A., Houle, D., Plouffe, A., Ameztegui, A…
Water Management
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Cost-benefit analysis of adaptation to riverine flooding
The preliminary results of the CBA have supported the adoption of wetlands and water bodies conservation objectives in the COBARIC water master plan update and the development of the Chaudière-Appalaches regional wetlands and water bodies plan (PRMHH).
Scientific manager(s) :
Ursule Boyer-Villemaire, Ouranos
Présentation sommaire du projet et des résultats
Boyer-Villemaire, U.
Présentation des résultats : Analyse coûts-avantages de l’adaptation aux inondations et aux risques fluviaux en contexte de changements climatiques
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Lamy, A.; Desjardins, R.;…
Guide méthodologique d’analyse coûts-avantages des options d’adaptation aux inondations et aléas fluviaux en contexte de changements climatiques.
: Boyer-Villemaire, U., Simard, C., Lamy, A.,…
Bassin versant de la rivière Chaudière : analyse coûts-avantages des options d’adaptation aux inondations et aléas fluviaux
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Lamy, A., Desjardins, R.,…
Bassin versant de la rivière Chaudière : analyse coûts-avantages des options d’adaptation aux inondations et aléas fluviaux
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Lamy, A., Desjardins, R.,…
Rivière Coaticook à Compton : analyse coûts-avantages des options d’adaptation aux inondations et aléas fluviaux
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Lamy, A., Desjardins, R.,…
Rivière Coaticook à Compton : analyse coûts-avantages des options d’adaptation aux inondations et aléas fluviaux
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Lamy, A., Desjardins, R.,…
Analyse coûts-avantages inondations riveraines
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Bizhanimanzar, M.; Leconte,…
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Quantification of the impacts and benefits of future transportation and land-use scenarios
The methods developed can be applied in other major cities in Québec to support climate change adaptation and health-focused land use planning.
Scientific manager(s) :
Audrey Smargiassi, INSPQ and IRSPUM-Université de Montréal; Patrick Morency, Université de Montréal; Catherine Morency, Polytechnique; Marianne Hatzopoulou, University of Toronto; Naveen Eluru, University of Central Florida
Environmental and health impacts of transportation and land use scenarios in 2061
Smargiassia, A., Plante, C., Morency, P.,…
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Improving the response to the psychosocial needs of individuals and communities affected by climate hazards in Eastern Quebec regions
Update of useful resources for characterizing and analyzing communities from the point of view of vulnerabilities to the psychosocial impacts of extreme weather events.
Scientific manager(s) :
Geneviève Brisson and Lily Lessard, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Amélioration de la réponse aux besoins psychosociaux des individus et communautés touchés par des aléas climatiques dans les régions de l'Est-de-Québec
Brisson, G., Lessard, L.
Impacts sur la santé mentale des inondations de la rivière Chaudière en Beauce dans un contexte de changement climatique et réponses pour les réduire: une étude exploratoire
Leclerc, T., Lessard, L., Brisson,G., Bouchard…
Trousse d’outils pour réduire les impacts psychosociaux des populations touchées par des événements météorologiques extrêmes
Rapport technique de la trousse d'outils pour réduire les impacts psychosociaux des populations touchées par des événements météorologiques extrêmes
Lessard, L., Simard, D., Lafond, A.
Water Management
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Flood Risk Due to Ice Jams and Estimation of Winter River Flows in a Climate Change Context
The project raised awareness among water managers about the problem of ice jam flood risk. This initial analysis helped better define the issues and guide the search for relevant adaptation measures.
Scientific manager(s) :
Benoit Turcotte et Brian Morse, Université Laval
Risque d’inondations par embâcles de glaces et estimation des débits hivernaux dans un contexte de changements climatiques
Morse, B., Turcotte, B.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Pilot Project to Communicate Climate Change Actions in Québec
This project led to a better understanding of different target audiences and their interest in content relating to the fight against climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Céline Campagna, INSPQ; Pénélope Daignault, Université Laval
Communication de l’action climatique dans un contexte québécois
Daignault, P., Champagne-St-Arnaud, V., Poitras,…
Forest Resources
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Forêt s’adapter : Development of silviculture that fosters the adaptation of the upper St. Lawrence River Valley forests to global changes
The project will increase awareness among local forest managers, advisors and owners of current and future global changes and the management of uncertainty in the planning of their forested land.
Scientific manager(s) :
Frederik Doyon, UQO