A Quantitative Multirisk Approach at the City Level for Climate Adaptation Planning

The presentation highlights the model’s capabilities and showcases two recent case studies where different challenges can be thoroughly analyzed with Scena.
For more information, contact the speaker at erik@ssg.coop.
Scena was developed to analyze the risks and vulnerabilities of populations, infrastructure, municipal assets, and natural areas in the face of climate change. The presentation will highlight the model’s capabilities and showcase two recent case studies: Kelowna, British Columbia, and Whitby, Ontario, which face different challenges that can be thoroughly analyzed with Scena. The results were presented in the form of scenarios, meaning that risks and vulnerabilities were assessed for the present day, as well as for two future scenarios: one based on current plans and another that includes additional adaptation measures, using emission pathways based on RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios.