Presentation of two INFO-Crue projects carried out at the HC3 Laboratory of ÉTS
This webinar presents the results of two research projects conducted by the HC3 Laboratory group at ÉTS as part of Info-Crue.
This webinar presents the results of two research projects conducted by the HC3 Laboratory group at ÉTS as part of Info-Crue. The projects are: Improved historical reconstruction of daily flows and annual maxima in gauged and ungauged basins and Development of a gridded observational dataset for the post-processing of simulations according to hydrological performance.
In the first case, multi-model weighting techniques were applied to a set of flow series from 144 HYDROTEL calibrations. The various calibrations were generated by modifying: (1) the HYDROTEL parameters, (2) the model input meteorological data sets, and (3) the evapotranspiration module used.
In the second case, precipitation and temperature grids were generated from a combination of station, reanalysis and satellite data. These grids cover all of Quebec and are available for the period from 1970 to 2019, at a spatial resolution of 0.1° and a temporal resolution of 24 hours.