Water Management
2014-2019 programming
Project in progress
Tools to Support Groundwater Management in the Face of Climate Change
Knowledge of changes in groundwater recharge will enable users to anticipate problems that could have a long-term effect on their water supply (quantity, quality, seasonal forecasts).
Scientific manager(s) :
Marie Larocque, UQAM; René Lefebvre, INRS-ÉTÉ; René Therrien, Université Laval
Water Management
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Integrated Management of Dams and Resilience of Local Communities to Climate Change
The project will make it possible to adapt dam management to climate change and the water needs of local communities.
Scientific manager(s) :
Catherine Frizzle, COGESAF; Catherine Choquette, Université de Sherbrooke
Gestion intégrée des barrages face aux changements climatiques et résilience des communautés locales
Frizzle, C., Choquette, C., Trudel, M., Leconte,…
Nordic Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
ARQULUK Program: Preservation of Canada's Northern Transportation Infrastructures
This project improved adaptive capacity by developing expertise to mitigate permafrost instability under transportation infrastructure.
Scientific manager(s) :
Guy Doré, Université Laval
Quantitative risk analysis for linear infrastructure supported by permafrost: methodology and computer program
Brooks, H., Doré, G., Locat, A.
Utilisation de surfaces à albedo élevé afin de contrer la dégradation du pergélisol sous les infrastructures de transport
Dumais, S., Doré, G.
Préservation des infrastructures de transport dans le Nord canadien: programme ARQULUK
Lemieux, C.
Nordic Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Impacts of Climate Change on Storminess and Storm Surges in the Hudson Bay and James Bay Region
The availability of more reliable extreme water level statistics will enable designers and engineers to better assess the risks associated with extreme water levels for present and future infrastructure.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jean-Pierre Savard, Ouranos
Impacts des changements climatiques sur le régime des tempêtes et les niveaux d’eau extrêmes dans la baie d’Hudson, la baie James et le détroit d’Hudson
Savard, J.-P.
Forest Resources
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Quantifying and Mapping the Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Productivity in Eastern Canada
The results of preliminary simulations and theory support the idea that forest management could accelerate the response of forest stands to climate change. Opening the forest canopy accelerates succession by modifying competition interactions within the stand.
Scientific manager(s) :
Dominique Gravel, Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR)
Quantifier et cartographier les impacts des changements climatiques sur la productivité des forêts de l'Est du Canada
Gravel, D.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Prioritization Tools for Diseases and Interventions Targeting Populations in Africa and Canada Vulnerable to Water-Related Health Issues
Accounting and evaluating diverse interests can be formally integrated in decision aid processes such as MCDA and can be used to help structure and make more informed decisions, especially in the context of limited resources.
Scientific manager(s) :
Pascal Michel et Valérie Hongoh, Université de Montréal
Prioritization tools for diseases and interventions targeting populations in Africa and Canada vulnerable to water-related health issues
Michel, P.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Interactive Atlas of the Vulnerability of the Quebec Population to Climate Hazards for Local and Regional Stakeholders
Québec’s municipal managers, professionals and planners have a new tool oriented to their needs at their disposal for assessing and mapping population vulnerability to heat waves and hydrometeorological hazards.
Scientific manager(s) :
Nathalie Barrette, Université Laval; Marie-Hélène Vandersmissen, Université Laval; Francis Roy, Université Laval
Atlas interactif de la vulnérabilité de la population québécoise aux aléas climatiques
Atlas web de la vulnérabilité de la population québécoise aux aléas climatiques
Barrette, N., Vandersmissen, M.-H., Roy, F.
Forest Resources
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Maple syrup production and climate change: Identifying maple syrup producers’ concerns and providing them with the best information to promote and support adaptation
Among many economic activities, the production of Maple syrup is one of the most directly related to the climate and particularly to the spring climate.
Scientific manager(s) :
Daniel Houle, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP)
Production de sirop d'érable face aux changements climatiques: perception des acériculteurs du Canada et des États-Unis
Legault, S., Plouffe-Leboeuf A., Houle D.,…
Perceptions of U.S. and Canadian maple syrup producers toward climate change, its impacts, and potential adaptation measures
Legault, A., Houle, D., Plouffe, A., Ameztegui, A…
Water Management
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Cost-benefit analysis of adaptation to riverine flooding
The preliminary results of the CBA have supported the adoption of wetlands and water bodies conservation objectives in the COBARIC water master plan update and the development of the Chaudière-Appalaches regional wetlands and water bodies plan (PRMHH).
Scientific manager(s) :
Ursule Boyer-Villemaire, Ouranos
Présentation sommaire du projet et des résultats
Boyer-Villemaire, U.
Présentation des résultats : Analyse coûts-avantages de l’adaptation aux inondations et aux risques fluviaux en contexte de changements climatiques
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Lamy, A.; Desjardins, R.;…
Guide méthodologique d’analyse coûts-avantages des options d’adaptation aux inondations et aléas fluviaux en contexte de changements climatiques.
: Boyer-Villemaire, U., Simard, C., Lamy, A.,…
Bassin versant de la rivière Chaudière : analyse coûts-avantages des options d’adaptation aux inondations et aléas fluviaux
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Lamy, A., Desjardins, R.,…
Bassin versant de la rivière Chaudière : analyse coûts-avantages des options d’adaptation aux inondations et aléas fluviaux
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Lamy, A., Desjardins, R.,…
Rivière Coaticook à Compton : analyse coûts-avantages des options d’adaptation aux inondations et aléas fluviaux
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Lamy, A., Desjardins, R.,…
Rivière Coaticook à Compton : analyse coûts-avantages des options d’adaptation aux inondations et aléas fluviaux
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Lamy, A., Desjardins, R.,…
Analyse coûts-avantages inondations riveraines
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Bizhanimanzar, M.; Leconte,…
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Quantification of the impacts and benefits of future transportation and land-use scenarios
The methods developed can be applied in other major cities in Québec to support climate change adaptation and health-focused land use planning.
Scientific manager(s) :
Audrey Smargiassi, INSPQ and IRSPUM-Université de Montréal; Patrick Morency, Université de Montréal; Catherine Morency, Polytechnique; Marianne Hatzopoulou, University of Toronto; Naveen Eluru, University of Central Florida
Environmental and health impacts of transportation and land use scenarios in 2061
Smargiassia, A., Plante, C., Morency, P.,…
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Improving the response to the psychosocial needs of individuals and communities affected by climate hazards in Eastern Quebec regions
Update of useful resources for characterizing and analyzing communities from the point of view of vulnerabilities to the psychosocial impacts of extreme weather events.
Scientific manager(s) :
Geneviève Brisson and Lily Lessard, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Amélioration de la réponse aux besoins psychosociaux des individus et communautés touchés par des aléas climatiques dans les régions de l'Est-de-Québec
Brisson, G., Lessard, L.
Impacts sur la santé mentale des inondations de la rivière Chaudière en Beauce dans un contexte de changement climatique et réponses pour les réduire: une étude exploratoire
Leclerc, T., Lessard, L., Brisson,G., Bouchard…
Trousse d’outils pour réduire les impacts psychosociaux des populations touchées par des événements météorologiques extrêmes
Rapport technique de la trousse d'outils pour réduire les impacts psychosociaux des populations touchées par des événements météorologiques extrêmes
Lessard, L., Simard, D., Lafond, A.
Water Management
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Flood Risk Due to Ice Jams and Estimation of Winter River Flows in a Climate Change Context
The project raised awareness among water managers about the problem of ice jam flood risk. This initial analysis helped better define the issues and guide the search for relevant adaptation measures.
Scientific manager(s) :
Benoit Turcotte et Brian Morse, Université Laval
Risque d’inondations par embâcles de glaces et estimation des débits hivernaux dans un contexte de changements climatiques
Morse, B., Turcotte, B.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Pilot Project to Communicate Climate Change Actions in Québec
This project led to a better understanding of different target audiences and their interest in content relating to the fight against climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Céline Campagna, INSPQ; Pénélope Daignault, Université Laval
Communication de l’action climatique dans un contexte québécois
Daignault, P., Champagne-St-Arnaud, V., Poitras,…
Water Management
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Water Law: Managing Usage Conflicts Caused by Hydrological Variability
The project identified concrete legal mechanisms for dealing with exceptional hydrological variations as well as their benefits and limitations in the context of climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Hugo Tremblay, Université de Montréal
La gestion des conflits d’usage relatifs aux ressources en eau par le droit dans un contexte de variabilité hydrologique
Tremblay, H.
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Experimentation in the Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change: Training Grounds for Adaptation
Street repairs are now done in a more integrated manner within the Québec City municipal administration. The greening experiments in Saint-Roch continue to mobilize residents and have led to the adoption of a broader approach, including a community garden, workshops, etc.
Scientific manager(s) :
Geneviève Cloutier, Université Laval
Les expérimentations de gouvernance de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques : terrains d’apprentissage de l’adaptation
Geneviève Cloutier, Marielle Papin et Christian…
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Study on the Integration of Urban Sprawl and Climate Change Issues in Land Use Planning Strategies at the Supra-Municipal Level
The literature analysis helps to explain a certain propensity to focus on technological solutions such as the electrification of individual transportation and residential solar energy conversion to mitigate the impacts of urban sprawl.
Scientific manager(s) :
Pierre Gauthier, Université Concordia
Urban Sprawl and Climate Change: A Survey of the Pertinent Literature on Physical Planning and Transportation Drivers
Qiu Feng et Pierre Gauthier, Concordia University
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Survey and Monitoring of Climate Change Resources for the Municipal Sector
This project will improve the dissemination of available climate change adaptation resources for the municipal sector. It will also help guide efforts for the development of resources relating to issues that are less well addressed by existing resources.
Scientific manager(s) :
Nathalie Bleau, Ouranos; Alexandrine Bisaillon, Ouranos
Inventaire et suivi de l’utilisation des ressources en adaptation des milieux urbains aux changements climatiques
Bleau N., Bisaillon A., Duval V.
Stratégie de diffusion : Inventaire et suivi de l’utilisation des ressources en adaptation des milieux urbains aux changements climatiques
Bleau N., Bisaillon A., Duval V.
Tableau de classification des ressources en adaptation
Bleau N., Bisaillon A., Duval V.
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Mapping of Organizations Involved in Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience at the Scale of the City of Montréal
Adaptation organizations now have an up-to-date portrait of the links between them, ready to be used to further their understanding of each other’s activities, to clarify their position for strategic planning purposes, and to identify allies and competitors as part of their regular activities.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marie-Christine Therrien, ENAP
Cartographie des acteurs impliqués dans l’adaptation aux changements climatiques et le développement de la résilience à l’échelle du territoire de l’île de Montréal
Jutras, M., Usher, S., Therrien, M-C.
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
History of Flood and Low Flow Events and Solutions Implemented
AQUARISC provides the research community; climate change stakeholders working in the fields of land use planning, natural disaster management and insurance; and municipal, provincial and federal authorities with access to a comprehensive data collection on flood and low-flow events that took place in the watersheds of a pilot area.
Scientific manager(s) :
Isabelle Mayer-Jouanjean, UQAM; Nathalie Bleau, Ouranos
Historique des sinistres d’inondations et d’étiages et des conditions météorologiques associées
Mayer-Jouanjean, I., Bleau, N.
Base de données AQUARISC
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Sustainable Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation at the MRC Level: Governance Mechanisms and Resilient Processes
The approach adopted, namely the co-construction of an adaptation strategy at the regional level and the uptake of vulnerability analysis tools by stakeholders, will foster the development of adaptation to climate change and the resilience of the communities concerned.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Létourneau, Université de Sherbrooke; Isabelle Thomas, Université de Montréal
Stratégies durables d’adaptation aux changements climatiques à l’échelle d’une MRC : quels processus de gouvernance? Quelles démarches résilientes?
Walczak, L., Létourneau, A. et Thomas, I.
Stratégies durables d’adaptation aux changements climatiques à l’échelle d’une MRC : quels processus de gouvernance? Quelles démarches résilientes?
Walczak, L., Létourneau, A. et Thomas, I.
Adaptation Memphrémagog : projet de recherche-action
Walczak, L., Létourneau, A. et Thomas, I.
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Methodology for assessing the institutional building stock of the SQI to determine its vulnerabilities to climate change
The SQI will adopt an action plan to correct the vulnerabilities identified by the project and to adapt its building stock. This plan will contain specific projects as well as changes to asset maintenance and preventive maintenance programs.
Scientific manager(s) :
Nathalie Réhaume, Société québécoise des infrastructures
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Performance of green stormwater infrastructures (GSI)
The cities will benefit from an improved process for the design and implementation of future GSI. The results of this project will enhance knowledge about the feasibility of installing GSI, as well as the performance of the pilot infrastructures.
Scientific manager(s) :
arah Dorner, École Polytechnique Montréal; Danielle Dagenais, Université de Montréal
Performances des infrastructures vertes de gestion des eaux pluviales (IVGEP) pour la réduction du ruissellement urbain et pour la protection des sources d’eau potable en climat actuel et futur
Dagenais, D., Dorner, S. et Brisson, J.
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Strategy for managing climate change – City of Gatineau
The co-construction of a strategy for the management of climate change at the municipal services level will promote the development of climate change adaptation, the reduction of GHG emissions and the resilience of the communities concerned.
Scientific manager(s) :
ICLEI-Canada, bureau du Québec; Nathalie Bleau (Ouranos); Yvann Blayo (Ville de Gatineau)
Rapport d’analyse de risques et vulnérabilités : stratégie de gestion d’enjeux liés aux changements climatiques
ICLEI-Canada; Nathalie Bleau, Ouranos
Portrait climatique de la ville de Gatineau
Philippe Roy, Ouranos; Nathalie Bleau, Ouranos
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
PANACÉES : Platform for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Erosion and Submersion
The results of this action research, together with innovation and political will, will help the MRC to effectively review its governance framework and thus be less affected by the impacts and consequences of climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Nathalie Bleau, Ouranos
Guide de l'usager - Plateforme pour l'analyse avantages-coûts en érosion et submersion (PANACÉES)
Bleau, N., Quintin C., Gosselin, C.-A., Boyer…
PANACÉES : Plateforme pour l’ANalyse Avantages-Coûts en Érosion Et Submersion
Quantifying Psychosocial Impacts From Coastal Hazards for Cost-Benefit Analysis in Eastern Quebec, Canada
Boyer-Villemaire, U., Vignon-Kanli, C., Ledoux, G…
Marine Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Projet ICEPAC: Interactive Atlas on the Probability of Ice Hazard Affecting Marine and Coastal Infrastructure in the Context of Climate Change
The descriptive and statistical tools available under IcePAC provide users with information on ice conditions and allow them to better understand the temporal and spatial evolution of sea ice. This information can help users to protect against risks to ships and maritime infrastructure.
Scientific manager(s) :
Monique Bernier, INRS-ETE
Projet ICEPAC : atlas interactif sur la probabilité de l’aléa glace à l’échelle des infrastructures maritimes et côtières dans un contexte de changements climatiques
Bernier, M., Gignac, C., Chokmani, K., Poulin, J…
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Montreal Climat Lab
The main impact of the Climate Lab is to question and integrate climate change adaptation into concrete urban planning and governance practices.
Scientific manager(s) :
Sophie Van Neste, INRS Centre Urbanisation Culture Société
L'adaptation aux changements climatiques dans le réaménagement d'un secteur urbain à Montréal : documentation du processus et expérimentations en ateliers
Van Neste, S.L., Rochefort, M., Dagenais, D.,…
L'adaptation aux changements climatiques dans le réaménagement d'un secteur urbain à Montréal : documentation du processus et expérimentations en ateliers
Van Neste, S.L., Rochefort, M., Dagenais, D.,…
Concrétiser l’adaptation aux changements climatiques : réflexion entourant les outils d’encadrement des projets urbains
Labo Climat Montréal
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Resilience of Lake Hydrodynamics and Wetland Biodiversity
This project will provide the project's partners, responsible for managing and conserving the Lake Papineau area and its ecosystems, with recommendations to implement long-term management plans by taking into consideration climate change and cumulative impacts on lakes and wetlands.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marie Larocque, Université du Québec à Montréal
Resilience of lake-edge wetlands to water level changes in a southern boreal lake
Loiselle, A., Proulx, R., Larocque, M., Pellerin,…
Ecological uniqueness of plant communities as a conservation criterion in lake-edge wetlands
Dubois, R., Proulx, R., Pellerin, S.
Ecosystems and Biodiversity . Forest Resources
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Green Infrastructure: Development of a Multi-Scale Strategy Based on Complexity and Resilience in Urban Settings
This project helped maintain and increase the connectivity of natural infrastructures in the greater Montreal area is an important adaptation strategy to facilitate species movement over the next 100 years.
Scientific manager(s) :
Christian Messier, UQAM; Andrew Gonzalez, McGill
L’approche fonctionnelle | Méthodologie et guide d’utilisation
Cameron, E., Paquette, A.
Infrastructures vertes : développement d’une stratégie multi-échelle basée sur la complexité et la résilience en milieu urbain
Messier, C., Gonzalez, A.
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Identifying wetland ecosystems and plants of Eeyou Istchee James Bay that are vulnerable to climate change
The results of this project will enable decision-makers, ecological planners and mining companies to develop adaptation strategies and industrial development and biodiversity conservation measures based on robust scientific data that takes into account the effects of climate change on the wetlands of Eeyou Istchee James Bay.
Scientific manager(s) :
Nicole Fenton, UQAT
Effets des changements climatiques en Eeyou Istchee Baie-James
Indorf, M. F.
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Conservation and management of nesting habitats of waterfowl and other waterbirds in the face of climate change
The adaptation strategies proposed upon completion of the project will allow governments and the various organizations concerned to better determine habitats of interest to waterfowl, with regard to land use planning, networks of conservation areas and forestry and agricultural practices.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marcel Darveau, Canard Illimités Canada and Université Laval
Ecosystems and Biodiversity . Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Integration of Future Climate Scenarios in the Planning of Wetland Conservation and Restoration to Protect the Water Resources of Québec City
The project enable Québec City to plan a long-term conservation network that takes climate change into account, and integrate this network into its planning management while contributing to the Ministère des Affaires Municipales et de l’Habitation’s Strategy to ensure the occupation and vitality of the territories.
Scientific manager(s) :
Monique Poulin, Université Laval
Intégration de scénarios de climats futurs dans la planification de la conservation et de la restauration de milieux humides dans un but de protection de la ressource en eau de la Ville de Québec
Goyette, J.-O.
Fiche synthèse 1a : Plateforme de modélisation hydrologique PHYSITEL/HYDROTEL unique et uniformisée appliquée au bassin versant de la rivière Saint-Charles
Savary, S., Blanchette, M., Rousseau, A.
Fiche synthèse 1b : Modélisation hydroclimatique et impacts des milieux humides sur le bassin versant de la rivière Saint-Charles
Savary, S., Rousseau, A.
Fiche synthèse 2 : Évaluation de la valeur ajoutée des données physiographiques à haute résolution dans la modélisation hydrologique distribuée : Cas d'application de la plate-forme PHYSITEL/HYDROTEL ...
Scarpari Spolidorio Jr, E.
Fiche synthèse 3 : Exploration spatio-temporelle des services hydrologiques rendus par les milieux humides
Blanchette, M.
Fiche synthèse 4 : Dérivation de courbes de tarage synthétiques à partir d'un modèle numérique d'altitude pour délimiter les surfaces inondables de petits bassins versants
Nocua Gordon, C. A.
Fiche synthèse 5 : Établissement de cibles de restauration et de création de milieux humides pour compenser le seffets des changements climatiques sur les débits
Goyette, J.-O., Savary, S., Blanchette, M.,…
Fiche synthèse 6 : Potentiel de restauration de milieux humides et hydriques
Goyette, J.-O., Deslandes, J., Lescot, P.,…
Fiche synthèse 7 : Étude préliminaire de renaturalisation d'un tributaire du ruisseau Savard
Savary, S., Foulon, E., Rousseau, A.
Fiche synthèse 8 : Identification des besoins de conservation et de restauration pour les milieux humides et les milieux forestiers à la base de plein air de Sainte-Foy
Paquette, A., Pellerin, S., Poulin, M.
Fiche synthèse 9 : Cibles et objectifs de conservation et de restauration - Volet juridique
Dupont, V.
Fiche synthèse 10 : Planification et mise en oeuvre de la conservation des milieux humides et hydriques dans les PRMHH : Quelle adaptation des outils de planification et de règlementation territoriales?
Blouin, D., Poulin, M., Bissonnette, J.-F.
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Current and anticipated impacts of cyanobacterial blooms and cyanotoxin on various wildlife organisms in Missisquoi bay and the rivière-aux-brochets ecological reserve by 2050
This research project is designed to better understand the dynamics of cyanobacterial blooms and cyanotoxins under climate change. The results will provide a solid foundation for biodiversity conservation through adaptation measures.
Scientific manager(s) :
Philippe Juneau et Beatrix Beisner, Université du Québec à Montréal
Impacts actuels et appréhendés pour 2050 des fleurs d'eau de cyanobactéries (CYANO) et des cyanotoxines sur différents organismes fauniques de la baie Missisquoi et de la réserve écologique de la Rivière-aux-Brochets
Juneau, P., Beisner, B., Gregory-Eaves, I., Sauvé…
Effet combiné de la température et d'une contamination à une formulation commerciale d'atrazine sur le phytoplancton
Blanchard, A.
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Valuation and Evolution of Ecosystem Services in the Québec City Region
The economic quantification of ES generated by natural capital can be used to develop new indicators for land-use planning. It can also serve to inform decision making and can be integrated with other decision support tools such as cost-benefit and multi-criteria analyses.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jérome Dupras, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
La valeur économique des écosystèmes naturels et agricoles de la Communauté métropolitaine de Québec et de la Table de concertation régionale pour la gestion intégrée du Saint-Laurent
Wood, S., Dupras, J., Bergevin, C., Kermagoret, C.
La valeur économique des services écosystémiques rendus par les arbres municipaux de la ville de Québec
Wood, S., Dupras, J., Delegrange, S., Voyer, A.,…
Évaluation et évolution des services écosystémiques dans la région de Québec
Wood, S., Dupras, J., Lévesque, A., Kermagoret, C…
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation Measures on Present and Potential Future Field Crop Pests in Quebec
The knowledge gained from this project will allow the development or revision of planning and action tools for decision makers in order to promote the adaptation of the crop protection sector to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Annie-Ève Gagnon, CÉROM; Julien Saguez, CÉROM
Impact des changements climatiques et mesures d'adaptation pour les ravageurs présents et potentiels en grandes cultures au Québec
Saguez, J.
Synthèse et recommandations : changements climatiques et phytoprotection au Québec
Firlej, A., Saguez, J.
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Managing Subsurface Drainage Water to Optimize Crop Productivity, Nutrient Use and Water Availability in Contemporary and Future Climat
The results of this study provided producers and agricultural advisors with information about the benefits and limitations of controlled drainage as an adaptation measure against expected climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Aubert Michaud, Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement; Merrin Macrae, Université de Waterloo
Managing subsurface drainage water to optimize crop productivity, nutrient use and water availability in contemporary and future climate
Macrae, M., Michaud, A.
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture . Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
State of Play of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sectors in Québec Under Climate Change
This project helped facilitate consultation between actors from the different sectors concerned and helped increase awareness of climate change and adaptation.
Scientific manager(s) :
Anne Blondlot, Ouranos; Robert Siron, Ouranos
État des lieux des pêches et de l’aquaculture au Québec en lien avec les changements climatiques
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Development of a Tool for the Consideration of Climate Change in Agricultural Land Planning in Rural Québec Regional County Municipalities
The project will provide rural Québec MRCs with greater autonomy in their actions to create knowledge and combat climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jean Nolet, Coop Carbone
Développement d’un outil visant la prise en compte des changements climatiques dans la planification des territoires agricoles des MRC rurales au Québec
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Agriclimat: Farms Adapted for the Future
This project changed the perception of climate change among farmers and agricultural advisors following discussion meetings and various local, regional and provincial presentations. It also increased the resilience of Québec farms to climate change and made this resilience accessible through information sheets and regional climate change adaptation plans.
Scientific manager(s) :
Sarah Delisle, Conseil pour le Développement de l’Agriculture du Québec
Agriclimat : des fermes adaptées pour le futur
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Choice of Forage Grass and Mitigation of Heat Stress for Cows on Quebec Dairy Farms in the Context of Climate Change
The results obtained make it possible to provide dairy farm managers with concrete recommendations for choosing forage mixes adapted to current and future climate conditions and solutions to reduce the risk of heat stress in barns during hot summer weather.
Scientific manager(s) :
Édith Charbonneau, Université Laval
Choix des graminées fourragères et des mesures d’atténuation du stress thermique des vaches sur les fermes laitières québécoises dans un contexte de changements climatiques
Charbonneau, E., Ouellet, V., Fournel, S., Payant…
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project in progress
Understanding the determinants of effective policy instruments: case studies of climate change adaptation in Québec, Atlantic Canada and Massachusetts
The examples and lessons learned from the case studies will help local, provincial/state and federal policy makers in designing effective policy instruments and processes, and in improving existing ones, in such a way that they enable effective adaptation to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Pierre Valois, Observatoire québécois de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques, Université Laval
Understanding the determinants of effective policy instruments: Case studies of climate change adaptation in Québec, Atlantic Canada and Massachusetts
Understanding the Determinants of Effective Policy Instruments: Lessons Learned from Case studies of Climate Change Adaptation in Québec, Atlantic Canada and Massachusetts
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Adaptation Case Studies in the Energy Sector: Overcoming Barriers to Adaptation
These documented case studies will help to disseminate and transfer information, engage decision makers and better recognize barriers to adaptation within the energy sector in order to overcome them.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marco Braun, Ouranos
Adaptation Case Studies in the Energy Sector
Braun, M., Fournier, E.
Protecting Assets against an Increasing Risk of Flood - Case Study #1
ActewAGL and AECOM (Australia), National Grid …
Fine-Tuning Observations to Better Manage and Design Hydroelectricity Assets - Case Study #2
Landsvirkjun (Iceland)
Strategic Approach to Climate Change Resilience - Case Study #3
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. (South Africa)
Climate Change Assessment for Hydropower Project Licensing - Case Study #4
Manitoba Hydro
Storm Hardening in a Climate Change Context - Case Study #5
New York City (United-States), ConEdison (United…
Engaging the Public into Climate Resilience - Case Study #6
Réseau de transport d’électricité (France)
Cooling for Thermal Generation in a Changing Climate - Case Study #7
Électricité de France (France), Eskom (South…
Adapting to Reduced Equipment Thermal Ratings - Case Study #8
B.C. Hydro (Canada); Hydro Tasmania (Australia);…
Increasing Network Resilience with Specialized Weather Forecasts - Case study #9
BC Hydro (Canada)
Using Climate Change Risk Assessment Wisely - Case Study #10
EirGrid (Ireland) and ESBN (Ireland)
Using Climate Change Risk Assessment Wisely - Case Study #11
EirGrid (Ireland) and ESBN (Ireland)
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Synergies: Interactions Between Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Canada’s Energy Supply Sector
This first Canadian portrait of the interactions between GHG mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the field of energy allows to educate policymakers and companies from the electricity sector about the complex interactions between mitigation efforts and adaptation to climate change
Scientific manager(s) :
Jacinthe Clavet-Gaumont, Ouranos; David Huard, Ouranos
Synergies: interactions between climate change adaptation and mitigation in Canada’s energy supply sector
Clavet-Gaumont, J., Huard, D.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Impact of Climate Change on the Energy Demand in Quebec and Adaptation Solutions
This study is particularly useful for energy policymakers concerned with energy production and distribution, including demand management, the upscaling of equipment, and energy efficiency programs allowing to reduce heat gain in buildings in order to mitigate the increase in air conditioning requirements.
Scientific manager(s) :
Gaétan Lafrance, INRS; Claude Desjarlais, Ouranos; Laurent Da Silva, Ouranos
Impact des changements climatiques sur la demande d’énergie
Lafrance, G., Da Silva, L., Desjarlais, C.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Fire Exposure and Adaptation in the Canadian Taiga
The approaches developed will help guide strategy decisions made by industry partners (Hydro-Québec, Manitoba Hydro) and communities in sub-Arctic regions regarding wildfire risk management.
Scientific manager(s) :
Dominique Arseneault Université du Québec à Rimouski
Exposition et adaptation aux incendies forestiers dans la taïga canadienne
Arsenault, D., Parisien, M.-A., Boulanger, Y.,…
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Impacts of climate change on wind energy potential
This project will help Canadian electricity providers such as Hydro-Québec, Manitoba Hydro and Ontario Power Generation to improve the long-term planning and reliability of wind power generation.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marilys Clément, Nergica; Hélène Côté, Ouranos
Impact des changements climatiques sur le potentiel éolien en Amérique du Nord
Nigel Swytink-Binnema, Marilys Clément, Hélène…
2014-2019 programming
Project in progress
Risk of persistent drought in the hydroelectric reservoirs of Quebec-Labrador: a millennial perspective
This approach will allow Canadian hydropower producers to better assess their exposure to persistent droughts while benefiting from a better understanding of the long-term hydrological variability in the production territory.
Scientific manager(s) :
Étienne Boucher, UQAM
The influence of decision-making in tree ring-based climate reconstructions
Büntgen, U. Arseneault, D. Boucher, E + 37 others
Prominent role of global volcanism in Common Era climate variability and human history
Büntgen, U. Arseneault, D. Boucher, E + 16 others
Reconstructing past hydrology of eastern Canadian boreal catchments using clastic varved sediments and hydroclimatic modelling: 160 years of fluvial inflows
Gagnon-Poiré, A., Brigode, P., Francus, P.,…
Tree-ring stable isotopes for regional discharge reconstruction in eastern Labrador and teleconnection with the Arctic Oscillation
Dinis, L., Bégin, C., Savard, M., Marion, J.,…
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Multicentury Reconstruction of Streamflow for the Abitibi River Basin and Estimation of Future Climate Changes
This project will provide hydropower producers with the robust scientific analyses to guide decision making in regards to climate change adaptations. The results will help determine whether the significance of recently observed floods is part of natural variability or if it is attributable to climate change, in which case, it may be relevant to adjust design criteria and management strategies accordingly.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jacques Tardif, Université de Winnipeg
Multicentury reconstruction of streamflow for the Abitibi River basin and estimation of potential climate changes impacts
Nolin, A., Tardif, J. C.
Observed and projected trends in spring flood discharges for the Upper Harricana River, eastern boreal Canada.
Nolin A.F., Girardin M.P., Adamowski J.F.,…
A 247-years tree-ring reconstruction of spring temperature and relation to spring flooding in eastern boreal Canada
Nolin A.F., Girardin M.P., Tardif J.C., Guo X.J.,…
Flood rings production modulated by river regulation in eastern boreal Canada
Nolin A.F., Tardif J.C., Conciatori F., Bergeron…
Earlywood vessels in black ash (Fraxinus nigra Marsh.) trees show contrasting sensitivity to hydroclimate variables according to flood exposure
Tardif, J.C., Kames, S., Nolin, A.F., Bergeron, Y.
Are periodical (intra-annual) tangential bands of vessels in diffuse-porous tree species the equivalent of flood rings in ring-porous species: reproducibility and cause?
Tardif, J.C., Dickson, H., Conciatori, F., Nolin,…
Spatial coherency of the spring flood signal among major river basins of eastern boreal Canada inferred from flood rings
Nolin A.F., Tardif J.C., Conciatori F., Bergeron…
Multi-century tree-ring anatomical evidence reveals increasing frequency and amplitude of spring flood in eastern boreal Canada
Nolin A.F., Tardif J.C., Conciatori F., Meko D.M…