White Papers to the International Joint Commission
These four publications deal with the recommendations on floodplain management in the Lake Champlain-Richelieu transboundary watershed presented to the International Joint Commission.
Developing knowledge on monitoring and evaluation of progress through analogues in the health and hydroelectricity sectors
The project helped to strengthen the tools and knowledge available to support the implementation of adaptation initiatives and build closer linkages between the monitoring and evaluation and adaptation communities practice.
In support of developping a government strategy for climate change adaptation
This project allowed a structured reflection to help the Quebec government develop a comprehensive and integrated strategy towards the development of priority actions involved in adapting to climate change rather than scattered initiatives.
A collaborative governance approach to critical systems risk assessment
The involvement of the MRCs resulted in a better understanding of the notion of essential systems as well as greater awareness of the impact of climate change on essential systems and the importance of considering their vulnerabilities from an adaptation perspective.
Elements of a frame of reference for evaluating adaptation to climate change : the RAC-Quebec case
This project made available for practitioners in the assessment of climate change adaptation a list of indicators collected and categorized in a logical structure that can be implemented and adapted according to context and assessment requirements.
Economic assessment of ecological goods and services in a changing climate
This project provides monetary valuations of ecological goods and services that can be used in cost-benefit analyses, assessments of damage, or quantifying compensation for environmental damages using the benefit transfer method. It can serve to guide the choice of the most relevant valuation method for each type of ecological goods and services and analytic situation.
Presentation of economic incentives related to adaptation to climate change
The lessons learned, the choice recommendations and the implementations can be used by other municipalities when incorporating economic tools in the management of their climate change adaptation strategy.
Integrated approach for evaluating the adaptive capacity of populations in the Artibonite watershed (Haiti) to the water-related impacts of climate change
The results show the importance of working in close collaboration with local populations in order to implement political strategies that are appropriate and context-specific.
2015 Edition | Climate Change Knowledge Synthesis
This synthesis will provide a scientific foundation and food for thought for adaptation experts and practitioners for whom climate change is an important issue in their mandates and activities. This knowledge is the starting point for supporting adaptation decisions and taking action to make Quebec more resilient to current and future climate change.