International Network of Boundary Organizations on Adaptation
In this tab, you will find two types of information:
Presentations and or reports of events that have taken place.
Approved INBOA submissions to participate in forthcoming events.
The information is presented chronologically.
For each item there is a link to access the relevant documents. Most documents are in English only.
For some, access is restricted to INBOA members, in which case the documents are password protected.
If your organization is not a member and you wish to access a password protected document, please contact
Upcoming events
Past events
Baku, November 11-22 2024
SEI Webinar - Adaptation Policy Engagement
October 28 2024
This second INBOA online workshop led by the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) will aim to better equip and enable ‘boundary organizations’ (those working in the interface between science and policy) to inform, influence and engage with international climate policy – particularly on adaptation.
Montreal, September 10-12, 2024
INBOA hosted a hybrid session on « Organizations bridging climate change science and the needs of cities join forces to amplify their impact to increase adaptation globally » with presentations from network members Centre de Suivi Écologique (Senegal) and International Centre for Climate Change and Development (Bangladesh)
Bonn, June 6, 2024
This first INBOA workshop focused on the boundary organization model and its potential to support more adaptation globally.
An interactive and hybrid format was used to discuss questions such as:
What can boundary organizations learn from each other?
Can the boundary organization model be used to change the financing approach for adaptation?
Can the network help meet adaptation needs globally?
European Conference on Climate Adaptation (ECCA)
Dublin, June 20 2023.
Although the idea of forming an international network of boundary organizations had been discussed informally for years, in 2023, a more formal approach was initiated to assess if this idea would be well received. At ECCA, Alain Bourque, Executive Director of Ouranos made a first of a series of presentations to test the idea.
Adaptation Futures
Montreal, October 4 2023.
Several organizations that can be considered boundary organizations or are interested in boundary work attend Adaptation Futures.
Ouranos and a small organizing committee including members from CSE, Futures-Act, UKZN, 4C Maroc, ICCCAD and UCCRN, with support from Copticom and Montreal International, took the opportunity to organize a co-production session to help design the network.
World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Open Science Conference
Kigali, October 26 2023
Up to this point, boundary organizations involved in the discussions about the network of networks have been mostly those focussing on the adaptation side of things.
The conference organized by the World Meteorological Organization was an opportunity to get some feedback from organizations focussing on the climate sciences and climate services
Dubai, December 9 2023
The group of international organizations involved in the development of the network is starting to stabilize. As several of them were participating in the COP, this was an opportunity to continue discussions on the structure of the network.