Assessing the added value of convection-permitting climate models in simulating flooding in southern Quebec watersheds

This project aims to answer the following question : Does the improved simulation of precipitation extremes with the new generation of regional climate models with 2.5 km resolution lead to an improvement in flooding simulations by a hydrological model in southern Quebec?

LOW WATER LEVELS: Changing hydrological droughts in southern Quebec in the face of climate change

This project aims to get an overall view of hydrological drought episodes in southern Quebec in the context climate change by better identifying the meteorological conditions leading to such events and analyzing their prevalence in future climates. The project could pave the way for a hydrological forecast adapted to low water levels.

Estimation of surges and higher sea levels at the outfalls of rivers located in the fluvial sector and maritime sector (estuary and gulf) of the St. Lawrence

The results of this project will produce a better estimate of flood risks and, consequently, better mapping of flood zones for regions where water levels in the receiving environment have a significant impact on flood risks. 

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