Ecosystems and Biodiversity . Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Integration of Future Climate Scenarios in the Planning of Wetland Conservation and Restoration to Protect the Water Resources of Québec City
The project enable Québec City to plan a long-term conservation network that takes climate change into account, and integrate this network into its planning management while contributing to the Ministère des Affaires Municipales et de l’Habitation’s Strategy to ensure the occupation and vitality of the territories.
Scientific manager(s) :
Monique Poulin, Université Laval
Intégration de scénarios de climats futurs dans la planification de la conservation et de la restauration de milieux humides dans un but de protection de la ressource en eau de la Ville de Québec
Goyette, J.-O.
Fiche synthèse 1a : Plateforme de modélisation hydrologique PHYSITEL/HYDROTEL unique et uniformisée appliquée au bassin versant de la rivière Saint-Charles
Savary, S., Blanchette, M., Rousseau, A.
Fiche synthèse 1b : Modélisation hydroclimatique et impacts des milieux humides sur le bassin versant de la rivière Saint-Charles
Savary, S., Rousseau, A.
Fiche synthèse 2 : Évaluation de la valeur ajoutée des données physiographiques à haute résolution dans la modélisation hydrologique distribuée : Cas d'application de la plate-forme PHYSITEL/HYDROTEL ...
Scarpari Spolidorio Jr, E.
Fiche synthèse 3 : Exploration spatio-temporelle des services hydrologiques rendus par les milieux humides
Blanchette, M.
Fiche synthèse 4 : Dérivation de courbes de tarage synthétiques à partir d'un modèle numérique d'altitude pour délimiter les surfaces inondables de petits bassins versants
Nocua Gordon, C. A.
Fiche synthèse 5 : Établissement de cibles de restauration et de création de milieux humides pour compenser le seffets des changements climatiques sur les débits
Goyette, J.-O., Savary, S., Blanchette, M.,…
Fiche synthèse 6 : Potentiel de restauration de milieux humides et hydriques
Goyette, J.-O., Deslandes, J., Lescot, P.,…
Fiche synthèse 7 : Étude préliminaire de renaturalisation d'un tributaire du ruisseau Savard
Savary, S., Foulon, E., Rousseau, A.
Fiche synthèse 8 : Identification des besoins de conservation et de restauration pour les milieux humides et les milieux forestiers à la base de plein air de Sainte-Foy
Paquette, A., Pellerin, S., Poulin, M.
Fiche synthèse 9 : Cibles et objectifs de conservation et de restauration - Volet juridique
Dupont, V.
Fiche synthèse 10 : Planification et mise en oeuvre de la conservation des milieux humides et hydriques dans les PRMHH : Quelle adaptation des outils de planification et de règlementation territoriales?
Blouin, D., Poulin, M., Bissonnette, J.-F.
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Current and anticipated impacts of cyanobacterial blooms and cyanotoxin on various wildlife organisms in Missisquoi bay and the rivière-aux-brochets ecological reserve by 2050
This research project is designed to better understand the dynamics of cyanobacterial blooms and cyanotoxins under climate change. The results will provide a solid foundation for biodiversity conservation through adaptation measures.
Scientific manager(s) :
Philippe Juneau et Beatrix Beisner, Université du Québec à Montréal
Impacts actuels et appréhendés pour 2050 des fleurs d'eau de cyanobactéries (CYANO) et des cyanotoxines sur différents organismes fauniques de la baie Missisquoi et de la réserve écologique de la Rivière-aux-Brochets
Juneau, P., Beisner, B., Gregory-Eaves, I., Sauvé…
Effet combiné de la température et d'une contamination à une formulation commerciale d'atrazine sur le phytoplancton
Blanchard, A.
Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Valuation and Evolution of Ecosystem Services in the Québec City Region
The economic quantification of ES generated by natural capital can be used to develop new indicators for land-use planning. It can also serve to inform decision making and can be integrated with other decision support tools such as cost-benefit and multi-criteria analyses.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jérome Dupras, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO)
La valeur économique des écosystèmes naturels et agricoles de la Communauté métropolitaine de Québec et de la Table de concertation régionale pour la gestion intégrée du Saint-Laurent
Wood, S., Dupras, J., Bergevin, C., Kermagoret, C.
La valeur économique des services écosystémiques rendus par les arbres municipaux de la ville de Québec
Wood, S., Dupras, J., Delegrange, S., Voyer, A.,…
Évaluation et évolution des services écosystémiques dans la région de Québec
Wood, S., Dupras, J., Lévesque, A., Kermagoret, C…
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation Measures on Present and Potential Future Field Crop Pests in Quebec
The knowledge gained from this project will allow the development or revision of planning and action tools for decision makers in order to promote the adaptation of the crop protection sector to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Annie-Ève Gagnon, CÉROM; Julien Saguez, CÉROM
Impact des changements climatiques et mesures d'adaptation pour les ravageurs présents et potentiels en grandes cultures au Québec
Saguez, J.
Synthèse et recommandations : changements climatiques et phytoprotection au Québec
Firlej, A., Saguez, J.
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Managing Subsurface Drainage Water to Optimize Crop Productivity, Nutrient Use and Water Availability in Contemporary and Future Climat
The results of this study provided producers and agricultural advisors with information about the benefits and limitations of controlled drainage as an adaptation measure against expected climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Aubert Michaud, Institut de recherche et de développement en agroenvironnement; Merrin Macrae, Université de Waterloo
Managing subsurface drainage water to optimize crop productivity, nutrient use and water availability in contemporary and future climate
Macrae, M., Michaud, A.
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture . Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
State of Play of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sectors in Québec Under Climate Change
This project helped facilitate consultation between actors from the different sectors concerned and helped increase awareness of climate change and adaptation.
Scientific manager(s) :
Anne Blondlot, Ouranos; Robert Siron, Ouranos
État des lieux des pêches et de l’aquaculture au Québec en lien avec les changements climatiques
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Development of a Tool for the Consideration of Climate Change in Agricultural Land Planning in Rural Québec Regional County Municipalities
The project will provide rural Québec MRCs with greater autonomy in their actions to create knowledge and combat climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jean Nolet, Coop Carbone
Développement d’un outil visant la prise en compte des changements climatiques dans la planification des territoires agricoles des MRC rurales au Québec
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Agriclimat: Farms Adapted for the Future
This project changed the perception of climate change among farmers and agricultural advisors following discussion meetings and various local, regional and provincial presentations. It also increased the resilience of Québec farms to climate change and made this resilience accessible through information sheets and regional climate change adaptation plans.
Scientific manager(s) :
Sarah Delisle, Conseil pour le Développement de l’Agriculture du Québec
Agriclimat : des fermes adaptées pour le futur
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Fire Exposure and Adaptation in the Canadian Taiga
The approaches developed will help guide strategy decisions made by industry partners (Hydro-Québec, Manitoba Hydro) and communities in sub-Arctic regions regarding wildfire risk management.
Scientific manager(s) :
Dominique Arseneault Université du Québec à Rimouski
Exposition et adaptation aux incendies forestiers dans la taïga canadienne
Arsenault, D., Parisien, M.-A., Boulanger, Y.,…
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Impacts of climate change on wind energy potential
This project will help Canadian electricity providers such as Hydro-Québec, Manitoba Hydro and Ontario Power Generation to improve the long-term planning and reliability of wind power generation.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marilys Clément, Nergica; Hélène Côté, Ouranos
Impact des changements climatiques sur le potentiel éolien en Amérique du Nord
Nigel Swytink-Binnema, Marilys Clément, Hélène…
2014-2019 programming
Project in progress
Risk of persistent drought in the hydroelectric reservoirs of Quebec-Labrador: a millennial perspective
This approach will allow Canadian hydropower producers to better assess their exposure to persistent droughts while benefiting from a better understanding of the long-term hydrological variability in the production territory.
Scientific manager(s) :
Étienne Boucher, UQAM
The influence of decision-making in tree ring-based climate reconstructions
Büntgen, U. Arseneault, D. Boucher, E + 37 others
Prominent role of global volcanism in Common Era climate variability and human history
Büntgen, U. Arseneault, D. Boucher, E + 16 others
Reconstructing past hydrology of eastern Canadian boreal catchments using clastic varved sediments and hydroclimatic modelling: 160 years of fluvial inflows
Gagnon-Poiré, A., Brigode, P., Francus, P.,…
Tree-ring stable isotopes for regional discharge reconstruction in eastern Labrador and teleconnection with the Arctic Oscillation
Dinis, L., Bégin, C., Savard, M., Marion, J.,…
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Multicentury Reconstruction of Streamflow for the Abitibi River Basin and Estimation of Future Climate Changes
This project will provide hydropower producers with the robust scientific analyses to guide decision making in regards to climate change adaptations. The results will help determine whether the significance of recently observed floods is part of natural variability or if it is attributable to climate change, in which case, it may be relevant to adjust design criteria and management strategies accordingly.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jacques Tardif, Université de Winnipeg
Multicentury reconstruction of streamflow for the Abitibi River basin and estimation of potential climate changes impacts
Nolin, A., Tardif, J. C.
Observed and projected trends in spring flood discharges for the Upper Harricana River, eastern boreal Canada.
Nolin A.F., Girardin M.P., Adamowski J.F.,…
A 247-years tree-ring reconstruction of spring temperature and relation to spring flooding in eastern boreal Canada
Nolin A.F., Girardin M.P., Tardif J.C., Guo X.J.,…
Flood rings production modulated by river regulation in eastern boreal Canada
Nolin A.F., Tardif J.C., Conciatori F., Bergeron…
Earlywood vessels in black ash (Fraxinus nigra Marsh.) trees show contrasting sensitivity to hydroclimate variables according to flood exposure
Tardif, J.C., Kames, S., Nolin, A.F., Bergeron, Y.
Are periodical (intra-annual) tangential bands of vessels in diffuse-porous tree species the equivalent of flood rings in ring-porous species: reproducibility and cause?
Tardif, J.C., Dickson, H., Conciatori, F., Nolin,…
Spatial coherency of the spring flood signal among major river basins of eastern boreal Canada inferred from flood rings
Nolin A.F., Tardif J.C., Conciatori F., Bergeron…
Multi-century tree-ring anatomical evidence reveals increasing frequency and amplitude of spring flood in eastern boreal Canada
Nolin A.F., Tardif J.C., Conciatori F., Meko D.M…
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Integrating Climate Change in the Value Assessment of Hydropower Assets
Any stakeholder interested in hydroelectric asset valuation in the context of climate change now has access to a guide, validated by experts in the field, to help in carrying out rigorous assessments. The methods proposed in the Guidebook and the documented case studies will contribute to improving the consideration of climate change impacts in the valuation of hydroelectric assets.
Scientific manager(s) :
Élyse Fournier, Ouranos
A Guidebook to Integrate Climate Data in Energy Production for Value Modelling
Hydro-Quebec : Climate Change Impacts on Hydro-Quebec’s Annual Water Inflow, Evolution of the Mean and Variability
Brookfeld Renewable : Application of the Delta Method to the Penobscot and Susquehanna Watersheds for Future Climate Change Hydrology Scenarios
Ontario Power Generation : Impact of Climate Change on a Redevelopment Scenario
Manitoba Hydro: Exploring Climate Change Considerations for Evaluating Generating Station Upgrades
Koenig, K.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Climate-Informed Flood Design for Dam Construction and Maintenance
This project provides a blueprint for Canadian dam managers to include climate change information into flood design values, and proposes solutions to address major sources of uncertainties. It offers a decision-making framework to assess and select adaptation options, mindful of dam managers’ operational context.
Scientific manager(s) :
Anne Frigon, Ouranos; Kristina Koenig, Manitoba Hydro
Flood frequency analysis and dam safety in the 21th century climate
Ecosystems and Biodiversity . Nordic Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Mapping the Impacts of Climate Change on Salmonid habitat in the Northern Lakes of Québec
The mapping tool and model developed will better equip MFFP fisheries managers to evaluate salmonid habitats quality in Québec’s northern lakes and thereby prioritize actions to adapt their resource management measures according to the response of the fish habitats to climate change, based notably on changes in temperature and dissolved oxygen in the lakes.
Scientific manager(s) :
Yves Gratton, INRS-ETE
Northern salmonid habitat in the future: impacts of climate change on the spatial variability of their lentic habitat between 50°N and 75°N.
Bélanger, C., Couture, RM., Gratton, Y., Chimi…
Ecosystems and Biodiversity . Nordic Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Climate Change and the Tundra of Nunavik : Exposure, Sensitivity and Vulnerability
The project results will help maintain the ecological integrity of the natural heritage of Northern Quebec by backing decisions and actions regarding land development and conservation in Nunavik with solid science that takes into account the effects of current and long-term climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Dominique Berteaux, Université du Québec à Rimouski
Changements climatiques et toundra du Nunavik : exposition, sensibilité et vulnérabilité
Berteaux D., Casajus, N., Ropars, P.
The Tundra Nunavik Project
Built Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project in progress
Understanding the determinants of effective policy instruments: case studies of climate change adaptation in Québec, Atlantic Canada and Massachusetts
The examples and lessons learned from the case studies will help local, provincial/state and federal policy makers in designing effective policy instruments and processes, and in improving existing ones, in such a way that they enable effective adaptation to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Pierre Valois, Observatoire québécois de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques, Université Laval
Understanding the determinants of effective policy instruments: Case studies of climate change adaptation in Québec, Atlantic Canada and Massachusetts
Understanding the Determinants of Effective Policy Instruments: Lessons Learned from Case studies of Climate Change Adaptation in Québec, Atlantic Canada and Massachusetts
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Adaptation Case Studies in the Energy Sector: Overcoming Barriers to Adaptation
These documented case studies will help to disseminate and transfer information, engage decision makers and better recognize barriers to adaptation within the energy sector in order to overcome them.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marco Braun, Ouranos
Adaptation Case Studies in the Energy Sector
Braun, M., Fournier, E.
Protecting Assets against an Increasing Risk of Flood - Case Study #1
ActewAGL and AECOM (Australia), National Grid …
Fine-Tuning Observations to Better Manage and Design Hydroelectricity Assets - Case Study #2
Landsvirkjun (Iceland)
Strategic Approach to Climate Change Resilience - Case Study #3
Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. (South Africa)
Climate Change Assessment for Hydropower Project Licensing - Case Study #4
Manitoba Hydro
Storm Hardening in a Climate Change Context - Case Study #5
New York City (United-States), ConEdison (United…
Engaging the Public into Climate Resilience - Case Study #6
Réseau de transport d’électricité (France)
Cooling for Thermal Generation in a Changing Climate - Case Study #7
Électricité de France (France), Eskom (South…
Adapting to Reduced Equipment Thermal Ratings - Case Study #8
B.C. Hydro (Canada); Hydro Tasmania (Australia);…
Increasing Network Resilience with Specialized Weather Forecasts - Case study #9
BC Hydro (Canada)
Using Climate Change Risk Assessment Wisely - Case Study #10
EirGrid (Ireland) and ESBN (Ireland)
Using Climate Change Risk Assessment Wisely - Case Study #11
EirGrid (Ireland) and ESBN (Ireland)
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Synergies: Interactions Between Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Canada’s Energy Supply Sector
This first Canadian portrait of the interactions between GHG mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the field of energy allows to educate policymakers and companies from the electricity sector about the complex interactions between mitigation efforts and adaptation to climate change
Scientific manager(s) :
Jacinthe Clavet-Gaumont, Ouranos; David Huard, Ouranos
Synergies: interactions between climate change adaptation and mitigation in Canada’s energy supply sector
Clavet-Gaumont, J., Huard, D.
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Impact of Climate Change on the Energy Demand in Quebec and Adaptation Solutions
This study is particularly useful for energy policymakers concerned with energy production and distribution, including demand management, the upscaling of equipment, and energy efficiency programs allowing to reduce heat gain in buildings in order to mitigate the increase in air conditioning requirements.
Scientific manager(s) :
Gaétan Lafrance, INRS; Claude Desjarlais, Ouranos; Laurent Da Silva, Ouranos
Impact des changements climatiques sur la demande d’énergie
Lafrance, G., Da Silva, L., Desjarlais, C.
Food Systems . Climate Governance
2020-2025 programming
Project starting
Knowledge transfer on climate change and the results of such activities: Case study of the Agriclimat project
The aim of this project is to study the knowledge transfer methods implemented by Agriclimat and to analyze their results. The strategies will be used to improve the knowledge transfer on climate change adaptation performed by other organizations in Quebec.
Scientific manager(s) :
Geneviève Brisson, UQAR ; Hugo Valls-Fox, CISA, Cégep de Victoriaville
Outside Programming
Outside Programming
Project completed
Developing a climate change adaptation plan
The guide to developing a climate change adaptation plan is specifically designed to support municipal organizations in Quebec in their adaptation processes by helping them assess and manage the risks associated with climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Isabelle Charron, Ouranos
Climate change adaptation planning: A guide for municipal bodies
Workbook 1 - Climate risk assessment tool
Workbook 2 - Climate risk assessment tool (Hypothetical example)
Workbook 3 - Planning the implementation of the measures
Workbook 4 - Planning monitoring of the measures
Social and Health Challenges . Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project starting
Educating and mobilizing seniors on climate change: An intergenerational intervention to foster engagement in environmental volunteering
To better support the participation of seniors in Quebec and France in environmental and climate volunteering while combating ageism at a time when global warming is unavoidable, it is important to translate the Retirees in Service to the Environment (RISE) program into French and adapt it to an intergenerational context.
Scientific manager(s) :
Mélanie Levasseur (Université de Sherbrooke)
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Choice of Forage Grass and Mitigation of Heat Stress for Cows on Quebec Dairy Farms in the Context of Climate Change
The results obtained make it possible to provide dairy farm managers with concrete recommendations for choosing forage mixes adapted to current and future climate conditions and solutions to reduce the risk of heat stress in barns during hot summer weather.
Scientific manager(s) :
Édith Charbonneau, Université Laval
Choix des graminées fourragères et des mesures d’atténuation du stress thermique des vaches sur les fermes laitières québécoises dans un contexte de changements climatiques
Charbonneau, E., Ouellet, V., Fournel, S., Payant…
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Assessment of the Use and Promotion of the Agroclimatic Atlas of Québec and Other Agrometeorology Tools
The project identified concrete examples of uses for the Agroclimatic Atlas, thereby introducing it to a larger number of stakeholders and promoting its use.
Scientific manager(s) :
René Audet, Agriculture et agroalimentaire Canada; Denise Bachand, Centre de référence en agriculture et agroalimentaire du Québec
Bilan de l’utilisation et promotion de l’Atlas agroclimatique du Québec et d’autres outils en agrométéorologie
Bachand, D., Audet, R., Coté, H.
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Adaptation of Phytosanitary Measures for Pests and Diseases of Fruit Crops in Regard to Climate Change Impacts
The knowledge resulting from this project will enable the development or revision of planning and action tools for decision makers in order to assist the crop protection sector to adapt to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Annabelle Firlej, IRDA
Adaptation des mesures phytosanitaires pour les ravageurs et maladies des cultures fruitières à l’égard des impacts des changements climatiques
Firlej, A., Ricard, M-P., Dieni, A., Ménard, E.,…
Synthèse et recommandations
Firlej, A., Saguez, J.
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Reasonable Water Governance When Cultivating Lowbush Blueberry in a Variable and Changing Climate
A better understanding of the risks of flower frost damage and water stress in blueberry fields and the effect of climate change on these risks, as well as target profitability thresholds to be reached through yield increases to justify investing in an irrigation system
Scientific manager(s) :
Carl Boivin, IRDA
Régie raisonnée de l'eau pour le bleuet nain cultivé dans un contexte de climat variable et en évolution
Boivin, C., Bourgeois, G., Vallée, J., Deschênes,…
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture . Water Management
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Participative Research on Sustainable Alternatives for Water Management in Agricultural Areas in the Context of Climate Change
The RADEAU 1 and 2 projects exploited and structured the large quantity of existing data and developed new data in order to characterize the water balance of the regions under study in current and future climates, and thus help inform the government, regional actors and other studies on water management.
Scientific manager(s) :
Isabelle Charron, Groupe AGÉCO
Recherche participative d’alternatives durables pour la gestion de l’eau en milieu agricole dans un contexte de changement climatique (RADEAU 1)
Charron, I.
Recherche participative d’alternatives durables pour la gestion de l’eau en milieu agricole dans un contexte de changement climatique (RADEAU 2)
Charron, I.
Atlas électronique des bilans hydriques RADEAU 1 et 2 - Format GPKG
Atlas électronique des bilans hydriques RADEAU 1 et 2 - Format SHP
Health . Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Evaluation of Urban Agriculture as Green Infrastructure for Individual and Collective Resilience in the Face of Climate and Social Change
This project will inform various institutions about the contribution of UA to food security, food justice, individual and collective resilience with regard to food and adaptation to climate change in the Montréal metropolitan area.
Scientific manager(s) :
Éric Duchemin, UQAM
Étude du jardinage domestique et de son potentiel alimentaire dans la région de Montréal
Penvern, L.
Fiches territoires : Le potentiel alimentaire du jardinage domestique
Penvern, L.
Évaluation de l’agriculture urbaine comme infrastructure verte de résilience individuelle et collective face aux changements climatiques et sociaux
Duchemin, E., McClintock, N., Pham, TTH.
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture . Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Sustainability of Agro-Environmental Practices and Agroforestry Systems
A better understanding of the contribution of AEPs and agroforestry systems to wildlife movement in agricultural environments allows for the prioritization of land-use planning actions to promote their sustainability and effectiveness. In a changing context, the use of both natural and social science approaches is recommended to promote the adoption and sustainability of AEPs and agroforestry systems in agricultural areas.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jérôme Dupras
Analyse écologique et socio-économique pour augmenter la résilience des systèmes agricoles face aux changements climatiques
Dupras, J.; Lévesque, A.; Pelletier-Guittier, C.;…
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture . Ecosystems and Biodiversity
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Vulnerability of Northern Shrimp Populations to Climate and Global Changes Along the East Coast of Canada - From Natural Resource to Coastal Communities
Raising awareness among key fisheries stakeholders of the expected effects of global ocean changes on northern shrimp populations and fisheries based on new, robust findings.
Scientific manager(s) :
Piero Calosi
All roads lead to Rome: inter-origin variation in metabolics reprogramming of the northern shrimp exposed to global changes leads to a comparable physiological status
Guscelli, E., Chabot, D., Vermandele, F., Madeira…
Vivre de la mer dans un contexte de changements globaux. Quel futur pour les pêches ? Le cas de la pêche à la crevette nordique au Québec
Soubirou, M., Alberio, M.
How can a cooperative-based organization of indigenous fisheries foster the resilience to global changes? Lessons learned by coastal communities in eastern Québec
Alberio, M., Soubirou, M.
Vulnérabilité des populations de crevette nordique aux changements climatiques et globaux le long de la côte Est du Canada
Noisette, F.; Alberio, M; Calosi, P.; Barria, A;…
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Identification of Criteria for Determining the Restoration Potential of Riparian Wetlands in Highly Degraded Agricultural Areas
Identification of key factors and elements favouring the restoration of riparian wetlands and their services in agricultural environments.
Scientific manager(s) :
Pascale Biron
Identification of criteria to determine the restoration potential of riparian wetlands in highly degraded agricultural environments
Massey, W.; Marchand, J-P.; Biron, P.; Buffin…
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Evolution of spatial indicators of soil health in response to climate change in Québec and Ontario
Producers and agricultural stakeholders will be better equipped to understand the impacts of climate change on land use and its effects on soil health and vulnerability to degradation.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marc-Olivier Gasser, IRDA; Asim Biswas, Guelph University
Évolution d'indicateurs spatialisés de la santé des sols sous l'effet des changements climatiques au Québec et en Ontario
Gasser, M.-O., Biswas, A., Bernard, C. A.,…
Commercial Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Adapting Brook Trout Production to Climate Change: Assessing the Significance of Epigenetic Effects
This project will provide knowledge to better adaptation strategies for production and management to ensure the sustainability of the important aquaculture industry and recreational tourism activities that depend on brook trout.
Scientific manager(s) :
Louis Bernatchez, Université Laval
Parental thermal environment controls the offspring phenotype in Brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis): insights from a transcriptomic study
Banousse, G., Normandeau, E., Semeniuk, C.,…
Selection effects on early life history traits and thermal resistance in brook charr Salvelinus fontinalis
Gourtay, C., Rivolet, M., Ghinter, L., Bernatchez…
Production d'omble de fontaine adaptée aux changements climatiques: évaluation de l'importance des effets épigénétiques
Venney, C.J., Audet, C., Garant, D., Bernatchez,…
Transgenerational effects on body size and survival in Brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Houle, C., Gossieaux, P., Bernatchez, L., Audet,…
Thermal regime during parental sexual maturation, but not during offspring rearing, modulates DNA methylation in brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Venney, C.J., Wellband, K.W., Normandeau, E.,…
Effet de la sélection et du régime thermique subi par les géniteurs lors de la maturation sexuelle sur la croissance et la survie à l'éclosion et résorption du sac vitellin des alevins d'omble de fontaine (Salvelinus fontinalis)
Rivolet, M.
Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project starting
Post-2100 Climate Scenarios - Case Studies in the Mining Sector
This project aims to produce and disseminate climate scenarios for assessing the impacts of greenhouse gases beyond 2100. Case studies will be done to illustrate their use in analyzing the climate vulnerabilities of mine site reclamation infrastructure.
Scientific manager(s) :
Émilie Bresson, Ouranos
Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Research on urban green infrastructure in Quebec: Implementation and co-benefits
The aim of this project is to draw up an inventory of work in progress and work that has been completed over the past 10 years on green infrastructure in urban areas in Quebec. It will also help to unify Quebec’s experts on urban green infrastructure and support better coordination of their research.
Scientific manager(s) :
Françoise Bichai, Polytechnique
Climate Governance
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Strengthening local governance in face of climate change: The case study of an online educational initiative developed by the Union des Municipalités du Québec
This case study will generate hard data on the structure and impact of a continuing education initiative for municipal elected officials. The data will be used directly to improve the UMQ’s training offering, as well as other educational initiatives on adaptation for elected officials and municipal employees.
Scientific manager(s) :
Blane Harvey, McGill
Climate Science and Climate Services . Economy . Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Economic analyses of forest fire adaptation measures for Quebec
This project will provide an analysis of the economic impacts of forest fires in the context of climate change in Quebec. It will also analyze the cost effectiveness of adaptation solutions to enable informed decision-making.
Scientific manager(s) :
Laurent Da Silva, Nada Conseil
Climate Governance . Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project starting
Réglement'action: Reflection on the regulation of industrial zones in the face of climate change and the case of the Pointe-de-l’Île industrial district
Adapting to climate change is an increasingly important concern in land use and urban planning. This raises issues that pose challenges to various parties involved in planning for the revitalization of major industrial zones. This project aims to enrich our knowledge of the regulatory possibilities that can offer solutions in this context.
Scientific manager(s) :
Michel Rochefort (UQÀM) et Emmanuel Rondia (Conseil régional de l'environnement de Montréal)
Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Differentiated impacts of climate change and adaptation measures and plans on people experiencing homelessness
This pre-research project aims to fill in the gaps in the literature on the vulnerability of people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity to climate change, as well as the differentiated impacts of climate change adaptation measures on these populations in Quebec.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marianne-Sarah Saulnier
Impacts différenciés des changements climatiques ainsi que des solutions d'adaptation sur les personnes en situation d'itinérance
Préfontaine, A.
Social and Health Challenges . Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project starting
The PARCS en Santé program: Mitigating the impacts of climate change on human and ecosystem health in peri-urban nature parks through citizen science
The PARCS en Santé project aims to implement and evaluate a long-term intervention strategy with input from the public. This strategy is expected to protect ecosystems in peri-urban nature parks while reducing risks to human health from tick-borne diseases in a changing climate.
Scientific manager(s) :
Cécile Aenishaenslin, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire (UdeM)
Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Reviewing the main issues, risks and possible solutions for adapting the conservation of Quebec's built cultural heritage to the impacts of climate change
The summary issued for this topic under study reviews the various climatic phenomena affecting Quebec, recalls some precedents where heritage buildings have been damaged or destroyed by a hazard, and makes a (non-exhaustive) inventory of adaptation measures implemented in Quebec or elsewhere.
Scientific manager(s) :
Claudine Déom, Université de Montréal
Synthèse des principaux enjeux, risques et pistes de solution pour adapter la conservation du patrimoine culturel bâti québécois aux impacts des changements climatiques
Déom, C.
Social and Health Challenges . Economy . Climate Governance . Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
The Climate Equity Lab: A living lab on equity in climate change adaptation in Quebec
The Climate Equity Lab’s aim is to assemble a wide range of knowledge and experience in order to co-produce an equity toolkit for climate change adaptation to raise awareness and offer support for conceptualizing and implementing fair adaptation solutions.
Scientific manager(s) :
Sophie Van Neste, INRS-UCS
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Wine production potential in Quebec from 2020 to 2070
This project identified future climate trends in Quebec for the purpose of helping wine growers plan their grape variety choices. The results could influence future criteria for reserved designations, specifying the types of grape varieties and their possible geographical extent in the context of climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Philippe Roy et Patrick Grenier, Ouranos
Probabilistic climate change scenarios for viticultural potential in Québec
Roy, P., Grenier, P., Barriault, E., Logan, T.,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Evaluating and improving the representation of snow cover in the Canadian Regional Climate Model CRCM4 and CRCM5 in northern Quebec
This project assessed snow cover characteristics and snow physical properties within the CRCM4 Canadian Regional Climate Model in northern Quebec, and helped improving albedo in the Canadian LAnd Surface Scheme (CLASS).
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Royer, Université de Sherbrooke
Snow specific surface area simulation using the one-layer snow model in the Canadian LAnd Surface Scheme (CLASS)
Roy, A., Royer, A., Montpetit, B., Bartlett, P. A…
Modélisation de l'albédo du couvert nival en zone arctique et subarctique au Québec - rapport de stage
Thériault, N.