Social and Health Challenges . Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project starting
Educating and mobilizing seniors on climate change: An intergenerational intervention to foster engagement in environmental volunteering
To better support the participation of seniors in Quebec and France in environmental and climate volunteering while combating ageism at a time when global warming is unavoidable, it is important to translate the Retirees in Service to the Environment (RISE) program into French and adapt it to an intergenerational context.
Scientific manager(s) :
Mélanie Levasseur (Université de Sherbrooke)
Climate Governance . Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project starting
Réglement'action: Reflection on the regulation of industrial zones in the face of climate change and the case of the Pointe-de-l’Île industrial district
Adapting to climate change is an increasingly important concern in land use and urban planning. This raises issues that pose challenges to various parties involved in planning for the revitalization of major industrial zones. This project aims to enrich our knowledge of the regulatory possibilities that can offer solutions in this context.
Scientific manager(s) :
Michel Rochefort (UQÀM) et Emmanuel Rondia (Conseil régional de l'environnement de Montréal)
Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Differentiated impacts of climate change and adaptation measures and plans on people experiencing homelessness
This pre-research project aims to fill in the gaps in the literature on the vulnerability of people experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity to climate change, as well as the differentiated impacts of climate change adaptation measures on these populations in Quebec.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marianne-Sarah Saulnier
Impacts différenciés des changements climatiques ainsi que des solutions d'adaptation sur les personnes en situation d'itinérance
Préfontaine, A.
Social and Health Challenges . Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project starting
The PARCS en Santé program: Mitigating the impacts of climate change on human and ecosystem health in peri-urban nature parks through citizen science
The PARCS en Santé project aims to implement and evaluate a long-term intervention strategy with input from the public. This strategy is expected to protect ecosystems in peri-urban nature parks while reducing risks to human health from tick-borne diseases in a changing climate.
Scientific manager(s) :
Cécile Aenishaenslin, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire (UdeM)
Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Reviewing the main issues, risks and possible solutions for adapting the conservation of Quebec's built cultural heritage to the impacts of climate change
The summary issued for this topic under study reviews the various climatic phenomena affecting Quebec, recalls some precedents where heritage buildings have been damaged or destroyed by a hazard, and makes a (non-exhaustive) inventory of adaptation measures implemented in Quebec or elsewhere.
Scientific manager(s) :
Claudine Déom, Université de Montréal
Synthèse des principaux enjeux, risques et pistes de solution pour adapter la conservation du patrimoine culturel bâti québécois aux impacts des changements climatiques
Déom, C.
Social and Health Challenges . Economy . Climate Governance . Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
The Climate Equity Lab: A living lab on equity in climate change adaptation in Quebec
The Climate Equity Lab’s aim is to assemble a wide range of knowledge and experience in order to co-produce an equity toolkit for climate change adaptation to raise awareness and offer support for conceptualizing and implementing fair adaptation solutions.
Scientific manager(s) :
Sophie Van Neste, INRS-UCS
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Wine production potential in Quebec from 2020 to 2070
This project identified future climate trends in Quebec for the purpose of helping wine growers plan their grape variety choices. The results could influence future criteria for reserved designations, specifying the types of grape varieties and their possible geographical extent in the context of climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Philippe Roy et Patrick Grenier, Ouranos
Probabilistic climate change scenarios for viticultural potential in Québec
Roy, P., Grenier, P., Barriault, E., Logan, T.,…
Extreme Events . Water Availability . Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Assessing the added value of convection-permitting climate models in simulating flooding in southern Quebec watersheds
This project aims to answer the following question : Does the improved simulation of precipitation extremes with the new generation of regional climate models with 2.5 km resolution lead to an improvement in flooding simulations by a hydrological model in southern Quebec?
Scientific manager(s) :
Philippe Lucas-Picher, UQAM ; Richard Turcotte, MELCCFP
Outside Programming
Hors programmation
Project completed
Synthesis of knowledge: Changes in freezing rain in Quebec
Scientific manager(s) :
Synthèse des connaissances : Évolution de la pluie verglaçante au Québec
McCray, C., Ouranos; Paquin, D., Ouranos
Energy Security . Climate Governance
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Monitoring and Evaluation for a resilient electricity sector
This topic under study reviews the role of adaptation monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks and their contributions to the climate resilience of the electricity sector.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alexandra Lesnikowski, Université Concordia
Monitoring and Evaluation for a Resilient Electricity Sector
Lesnikowski, A., Newton, A., Oxley, M.
Table 1 : Examples of adaptation actions in the Canadian electricity sector
Lesnikowski, A.
Appendix A : Guidance frameworks related to adaptation monitoring and evaluation
Lesnikowski, A.
Appendix B : Analysis of national monitoring and evaluation frameworks
Lesnikowski, A.
Appendix C : Example indicators for adaptation monitoring and evaluation
Lesnikowski, A.
Water Availability
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Hydrological hazards and extreme rains
The amplification of precipitation and flow extremes in a warmer climate is greater for small watersheds, for shorter durations, and for frequent recurrences. The results show the importance of considering the size of watersheds in assessing vulnerability to increased extreme summer and fall precipitation.
Scientific manager(s) :
François Brissette, ÉTS
Évolution du risque hydrologique lié aux événements pluvieux extrêmes: Application des données ClimEX (Québec-Bavière)
Brissette, F., Arsenault, R., Boucher, MA., Braun…
Outside Programming
Hors programmation
Project completed
White Papers to the International Joint Commission
These four publications deal with the recommendations on floodplain management in the Lake Champlain-Richelieu transboundary watershed presented to the International Joint Commission.
Scientific manager(s) :
Commission Mixte Internationale
Livre blanc no 1. La cartographie des zones inondables: meilleures pratiques et recommandations pour le bassin du lac Champlain-Richelieu
A. Alberti-Dufort
White paper no 1. Flood Mapping: Best Practices and Recommendations for the Lake Champlain-Richelieu River Basin
A. Alberti-Dufort
Livre blanc no 2. Risques d’inondation: pratiques exemplaires et recommandations en matière de communication – Bassin du lac Champlain et de la rivière Richelieu
D. Henstra, B. McIlroy-Young
White paper no 2. Flood Risk: Best Practices and Recommendations for the Lake Champlain-Richelieu River Basin
D. Henstra, B. McIlroy-Young
Livre blanc no 3. Comment l’aménagement des plaines inondables peut-il améliorer la résilience aux inondations: meilleures pratiques et recommandations pour le bassin du lac Champlain-rivière Richelieu
A. Alberti-Dufort
White paper no 3. How Floodplain Development Can Improve Flood Resilience: Best Practices and Recommendations for the Lake Champlain-Richelieu River Basin
A. Alberti-Dufort
Livre blanc no 4. Viser la résilience: le rôle de l’assurance inondation
L. Shabman
White paper no 4. Securing Flood Resiliency: The Role of Insurance
L. Shabman
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Evolution of extreme events resulting from cumulative emissions
This project focuses on the consequences of extreme events linked to climate change. In particular, the aim here is to analyze the direct link between CO2 emissions and socio-economic impacts such as loss of worker productivity during episodes of intense heat.
Scientific manager(s) :
Yann Chavaillaz, Université Concordia; H. Damon Matthews, Université Concordia; Philippe Roy, Ouranos
Exposure to excessive heat and impacts on labour productivity linked to cumulative CO2 emissions
Chavillaz, Y., Roy, P., Partanen, A.-I., Da Silva…
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Resilience of the Port of Montreal’s transportation and logistics infrastructure: Compilation, analysis and decision support options in the context of climate change
The project has enabled APM to identify the elements of the Montreal port system most vulnerable to climate change on which they can focus their adaptation actions.
Scientific manager(s) :
Claude Comtois, Université de Montréal; Brian Slack, Université de Concordia
Résilience des Composantes d’Infrastructures de Transport et de Logistique du Port de Montréal: Compilation, Analyse et Options d’Aide à la Décision dans un Contexte de Changement Climatique
Bleau, S., Chaumont, D., Côté, H., Logan, T.,…
Water Availability
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
ProjectEau : Multisectoral and multifactorial projection of Quebec’s future water needs using a hydroinformatics system
This project aims to provide Quebec with a method for estimating the current and future water needs of the main economic sectors while considering the impacts of climate disruption and socio-economic development on water availability.
Scientific manager(s) :
Paul Célicourt (INRS); Alain N. Rousseau (INRS); Philippe Kabore (UQAR); Silvio Gumiere (Université Laval)
Water Availability
2020-2025 programming
Project in closing
Review of current knowledge and available methods in Mexico, Bavaria and Quebec for sharing water when resources are limited
This project is making use of well-established collaborations with Mexico and Bavaria in order to allow Quebec to initiate the development of a knowledge base on practices and tools for sharing water when it is limited.
Scientific manager(s) :
Annie Poulin (ETS)
Revue de l'état des connaissances et des outils disponibles au Mexique pour le partage de l'eau lorsque la ressource est limitée
Escorihuela, E.
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Understanding methods of intervention to strengthen entrepreneurial innovation in climate change adaptation in the Magdalen Islands and the Laurentides region, leading tourist areas
This collaborative research project encourages small and medium-sized tourism businesses in the Magdalen Islands and the Laurentides region to develop and experiment with climate change adaptation measures.
Scientific manager(s) :
Dominic Lapointe (UQAM) et Alexis Guillemard (UQAM)
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Evaluation and validation of statistical post-treatment tools in a changing climate
This study has made it possible to improve the post-processing tools used and to verify the relative performance of these statistical methods for estimating the biases that exist in climate studies, which may not be constant even over two periods that are very close in time.
Scientific manager(s) :
François Brissette, ÉTS
Assessing the limits of bias-correcting climate model outputs for climate change impacts
Chen, J., Brissette, F., Lucas-Picher, P.
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Assessment of the Impact of Land Use Change on Climate – Phase 2
Many climate change adaptation and mitigation measures involve changes in land use, including urban planning, agricultural practices, the planting of trees or crops for bioenergy or carbon capture, and the restoration of natural ecosystems.
Scientific manager(s) :
Martin Leduc, Dominique Paquin & Olivier Asselin, Ouranos
On the Intercontinental Transferability of Regional Climate Model Response to Severe Forestation
Asselin O., Leduc, M., Paquin D., Di Luca, A.,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Adaptation and comparison of Quebec and Bavarian tools for integrated water management at the watershed scale in the context of climate change (Phase 2)
This project has strengthened collaboration between Quebec and Bavaria in watershed management in a context of climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Diane Chaumont, Ouranos; Richard Turcotte, CEHQ; Ralf Ludwig, LMU
Adaptation et intercomparaison d'outils québécois et bavarois de gestion intégrée de l'eau des bassins versants dans un contexte de changements climatiques (AQAGI, phase 2)
Chaumont, D.
Outside Programming
Hors programmation
Project completed
Developing knowledge on monitoring and evaluation of progress through analogues in the health and hydroelectricity sectors
The project helped to strengthen the tools and knowledge available to support the implementation of adaptation initiatives and build closer linkages between the monitoring and evaluation and adaptation communities practice.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marie Raphoz & Liza Leclerc, Ouranos
Developing knowledge on monitoring and evaluation of progress through analogues in the health and hydroelectricity sectors
Leclerc, L., Raphoz, M.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Evaluation of the impacts of climate change and its costs for Quebec and the Quebec government
This project strengthened the case for climate change adaptation for both government and civil society.
Scientific manager(s) :
Caroline Larrivée, Ouranos
Évaluation des impacts des changements climatiques et de leurs coûts pour le Québec et l'État québécois
Larrivée, C., Sinclair-Désgagné, N., Da Silva, L…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Climate change and variability in the Nunavik and Nunatsiavut peninsula
The results of this project will improve the coverage of the observation network for climate, ice, fresh water and wind. They will provide additional knowledge on large-scale atmospheric and ocean actions/interactions.
Scientific manager(s) :
Mickaël Lemay, Centre d'études nordiques; Ross Brown, ECCC/Ouranos
De la science aux politiques publiques au Nunavik et au Nunatsiavut: synthèse et recommandations
Allard, M., Lemay, M., Barrett, M., Sheldon, T.,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Climhydro-2: Canadian hydropower companies' strategies for climate change adaptation
This project has led to the development of models that will enable our industrial partners Hydro Québec and Rio Tinto, among others, to better manage their equipment stocks in the face of climate variability and changes.
Scientific manager(s) :
Robert Leconte, Université de Sherbrooke
Climhydro-2: stratégies d'adaptation des compagnies d'hydroélectricité canadiennes face aux changements climatiques
Leconte, R., Brissette, F., Caya, D., Boucher, M…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Design and planning of urban drainage infrastructure renewal in the context of climate change adaptation
This project made it possible to offer simple procedures and guidelines to support small municipalities in developing their response plans and assessing risk in the context of climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Mailhot, INRS
Conception et planification des interventions de renouvellement des infrastructures de drainage urbain dans un contexte d'adaptation aux changements climatiques
Mailhot, A., Duchesne, S., Larrivée, C.,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Impacts of climate and disturbances on the structure and recruitment dynamics of trembling aspen stands in Canada
This project provided basic knowledge on trembling aspen and improved our ability to anticipate the impact of global changes on its productivity. This species is important due to its distribution and economic potential.
Scientific manager(s) :
Yves Bergeron, UQAT
Incidences du climat et des perturbations sur la structure et la dynamique de recrutement des peuplements de peuplier faux-tremble au Canada
Bergeron, Y.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Assessment of the impact of climate change on Nunavik's marine infrastructure and identification of adaptation solutions
The results of this project will provide tools to help municipalities better understand the value and means of developing a municipal-level (regional or sometimes local) climate change adaptation plan through a participatory process.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jean-Pierre Savard, Ouranos
Impact des changements climatiques sur le régime des tempêtes, les niveaux d'eau et les vagues dans le Nunavik
Savard, J.-P., Gachon, P., Rosu, C., Aider, R.,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Adaptation of PHYSITEL/HYDROTEL to the Quebec boreal environment
This project gave rise to a better understanding of the dynamics of runoff, water storage and evapotranspiration in a small boreal watershed with a large minerotrophic patterned fen peatland.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Rousseau, INRS-ETE
Adaptation des outils PHYSITEL/HYDROTEL au milieu boréal québécois: modélisation des processus hydrologiques et analyses de sensibilité et d'incertitudes
Rousseau, A. N., Mailhot, A., St-Hilaire, A.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Ecohydrology of the minerotrophic patterned fen peatlands of the La Grande Rivière watershed : monitoring the water cycle and the CH4 and CO2 dynamics
An in-depth study of the components of the water balance will fill the knowledge gap on the hydrology of minerotrophic patterned fens and their influence on the production and emission of greenhouse gases.
Scientific manager(s) :
Serge Payette, Université Laval
Recent peat accumulation rates in minerotrophic peatlands of the Bay James region, Eastern Canada, inferred by 210Pb and 137 Cs radiometric techniques
Ali, A. A., Ghaleb, B., Garneau, M., Asnong, H.,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
The ARCHIVES project : Retrospective analysis of hydroclimatic conditions using indicators of their variability on a century-long scale
Upon completion of this project, hydroelectric power resource managers and the authorities concerned with climate change will benefit from a better understanding of the temporal and spatial changes in hydroclimatic conditions, which may facilitate the development of appropriate hydrological scenarios for this climate-sensitive region.
Scientific manager(s) :
Yves Bégin, Centre d'études nordiques
Hydrological reconstruction from tree-ring multi-proxies over the last two centuries at the Caniapiscau Reservoir, northern Québec, Canada
Nicualt, A., Boucher, E., Bégin, C., Guiot, J.,…
Outside Programming
Hors programmation
Project completed
In support of developping a government strategy for climate change adaptation
This project allowed a structured reflection to help the Quebec government develop a comprehensive and integrated strategy towards the development of priority actions involved in adapting to climate change rather than scattered initiatives.
Scientific manager(s) :
Nathalie Bleau, Ouranos; Patricia Robitaille, MDDEP
Rapport synthèse réalisé en appui au processus de consultation visant le développement d'une stratégie gouvernementale d'adaptation aux changements climatiques
Connor, R., Lee, J., Paquin, M., Perin, N.,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Canadian network for regional climate and weather processes (CNRCWP)
This project led to an improved fifth generation Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5) allowing the production of climate change projections to support vulnerabilities, impacts and adaptation projects. This project will improve our understanding of specific processes to be considered for climate change studies.
Scientific manager(s) :
Laxmi Sushama, UQAM
Canadian Network for Regional Climate and Weather Processes
Sushama, L.
Climate Simulation and Analysis
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Feasability study and operationalization of the diagnostic simulation of freezing rain by the CRCM5
The success of this project has meant that freezing rain and ice pellets are now among the standard outputs available from the CRCM5 climate projections produced by Ouranos. The development of a more complex microphysics model, adapted to the computational cost of a climate model, is also in the works for the years ahead.
Scientific manager(s) :
René Laprise, UQAM; Julie Thériault, UQAM; Dominique Paquin, Ouranos
Evaluating the Ability of CRCM5 to Simulate Mixed Precipitation
Bresson, E., Laprise, R., Paquin, D., Thériault,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Projections of mid-century summer air quality for North America : effects of climate changes in climate and precursor emissions
The results of this project will support efforts to reduce air polluants of anthropogenic origin, and target interventions for regions and populations that are at risk from pollution, to maximize adaptation efforts in these locations.
Scientific manager(s) :
David A. Plummer, CCmaC; Paul A. Makar, Environnement Canada
Projections of mid-century summer air-quality for North America: effects of changes in climate and precursor emissions
Kelly, J., Makar, P. A., Plummer, D. A.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Analyzing climate data for improved climate monitoring in northern Quebec
This project allowed to draw up a portrait of the climate from 1986 to 2005, in part using a method for estimating missing values developed by Ouranos. The bases of the optimal network determined by analyzing temperature data will have to be decided upon with confirmation from data on various climatic parameters.
Scientific manager(s) :
Yves Bégin, Centre d'études nordiques
Analyse spatio-temporelle des températures pour un meilleur suivi du climat dans le nord du Québec
Cournoyer, L., Yagouti, A., Bégin, Y., Vescovi, L…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
The biodiversity of vascular and nonvascular plants in the James Bay region and assessment of their vulnerability to climate change
It is important to take into account both the direct impact and indirect impact (via disturbance regimes) of climate on vegetation in order to understand how climate change will affect the future distribution of species.
Scientific manager(s) :
Francine Tremblay & Nicole Fenton, UQAT
Biodiversité de la flore vasculaire et invasculaire du territoire de la Baie James et évaluation de leurs vulnérabilités face aux changements climatiques
Marchand, M., Fenton, N., Bergeron, Y., Tremblay,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Simulation of adaptation measures to climate change : urban drainage
This project has highlighted the importance of changing stormwater management practices in urban areas in order to adapt drainage systems to climate change. One of the actions suggested in this project is to promote projects that reduce impervious surfaces.
Scientific manager(s) :
Hervé Logé, Ville de Montréal
Adaptation aux changements climatiques en matière de drainage urbain au Québec
Bolduc, S., Larrivée, C., Logé, H., Mailhot, A.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Vulnerability of agricultural to climate change : a study of the past and future influence of agricultural land use on the hydrological regime and water quality of a watershed
Agricultural land has become increasingly sensitive in recent years to climate extremes. This work is a preliminary phase in developing regional management strategies for agricultural practices and land use.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Rousseau, INRS-ETE
Vulnérabilité de l'agriculture en réponse aux changements climatiques : étude de l'influence passée et future de l'occupation agricole du territoire sur le régime hydrologique et la qualité de l'eau d'un bassin versant
Rousseau, A. N., Quilbé, R., Savary, S., Ricard,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Determination of the vulnerability of Nunavik communities to global warming, and development of an adaptation strategy
The use of the maps created with this project as a tool for community land-development planning was a simple but fundamental initial means of adapting to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Michel Allard, Centre d'études nordiques
Cartographie des conditions de pergélisol dans les communautés du Nunavik en vue de L'adaptation au réchauffement cliamtique
Allard, M., Calmels, F., Fortier, D., Laurent, C…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Permafrost and Climate Change in Northern Coastal Canada: impacts and adaptation for communities
The results of this project have led to a better understanding of the relationship between the surface layer and permafrost processes. They have also benefited local communities by providing an innovative methodology for planning transport infrastructure maintenance on sensitive permafrost in particular.
Scientific manager(s) :
Michel Allard, CEN; Wayne Pollard, Université McGill
Permafrost and Climate Change in Northern Coastal Canada
Allard, M., Pollard, W.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Adaptation and comparison of Quebec and Bavarian tools for integrated water management at the watershed scale in the context of climate change
This project has helped to develop an international-scale pilot project in the field of integrated watershed management in the context of climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Diane Chaumont, Ouranos; Richard Turcotte, CEHQ; Ralf Ludwig, LMU
Adaptation et intercomparaison d'outils québécois et bavarois de gestion intégrée de bassins versants dans un contexte de changements climatiques
Vescovi, L., Cyr, J.-F., Turcotte, R., Fortin, L…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Adaptation strategies for maintaining harbour and shipping activities in the St. Lawrence in a contexte of climate change : declining water levels in the St. Lawrence / Great Lakes system
In light of the results obtained, the scope of the expected water-level declines will require equally significant adaptation measures.
Scientific manager(s) :
Pierre D'Arcy, Pêches et Océans Canada
Changements climatiques et transport maritime sur le Saint-Laurent : étude exploratoire d'options d'adaptation
D'Arcy, P., Bibeault, J.-F., Raffa, R.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Impact of climate change on Canadian river basins and adaptation strategies for the hydropower industry
The results of this project have produced better tools and methods that hydropower companies can use to incorporate the impacts of climate and climate changes on the power production of their installations.
Scientific manager(s) :
Robert Leconte, Université de Sherbrooke
Impact of climate change in Canadian river basins and adaptation strategies for the hydropower industry
Leconte, R.
Outside Programming
Hors programmation
Project completed
A collaborative governance approach to critical systems risk assessment
The involvement of the MRCs resulted in a better understanding of the notion of essential systems as well as greater awareness of the impact of climate change on essential systems and the importance of considering their vulnerabilities from an adaptation perspective.
Scientific manager(s) :
Marie-Christine Therrien, ENAP; Benoît Robert, Polytechnique Montréal
Démarche de gouvernance collaborative d'appréciation des risques des systèmes essentiels
Baril, G., Hémond, Y., Lépine, C., Préval, J.,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Analysis and adaptation to climate change of management tools for the water-resource system of the Ottawa river watershed : implementation in the Lièvre river system
New modeling tools to assist in the integrated management of the dams of the Ottawa River basin will be proposed, especially in light of the increasing constraints in dam management.
Scientific manager(s) :
Robert Leconte, Université de Sherbrooke
Analyse et adaptation au contexte des changements climatiques des outils d'aide à la gestion du système hydrique du bassin versant de la rivière des Outaouais : mise en œuvre sur le sous bassin de la rivière du Lièvre
Leconte, R., Trudel, M., Krau, S., Huaringa…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Increasing ecosystem resilience in a future climate through an improved understanding of agricultural pollution mechanisms
This project, in co-operation with government agencies, committees of watershed management councils and farmers, allowed to develop strategies for adapting to climate change, with the goal of improving the quality of bodies of water and ecosystems' recovery capacity.
Scientific manager(s) :
Chandra Madramootoo, Université McGill
Field evaluation of DRAINMOD 5.1 under a cold climate: simulation of daily midspan water table depths and drain outflows
Dayyani, S., Madramootoo, C. A., Enright, P.,…
Development of DRAIN-WARMF model to simulate flow and nitrogen transport in a tile-drained agricultural watershed in Eastern Canada
Dayyani, S., Prasher, S. O., Madani, A.,…
Climate Simulation and Analysis
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Climate reconstruction at Ouranos for Quebec (CROQ)
The "Climate teconstruction at Ouranos for Quebec" CROQ project has created a complete and consistent database for several weather variables of interest to users for recent climate in Québec. For example, CROQ precipitation data is being used for the interpolation of IDF curves in a project with Hydro-Québec, and for post-processing extremes as part of an INFO-Crue project.
Scientific manager(s) :
Sébastien Biner, Ouranos
Validation et interprétation du ruissellement produit par MRCC5
Flansberry, Z., Music, B., Biner, S., Guay, C.
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Scientific and operational value of alternative datasets in hydrological science
The CANOPEX database can be used as a baseline for climate change and adaptation studies in a coherent framework across Canada
Scientific manager(s) :
François Brissette, ÉTS
CANOPEX: A Canadian hydrometeorological watershed database
Arsenault, R., Bazile, R., Ouellet Dallaire, C.,…
Previous theme
Programmation antérieure
Project completed
Medium-term impact of an increase of soil temperature and nitrogen enrichment on the growth of black spruce
This work shows that the most widespread and harvested species in the boreal forest of eastern Canada, due to its exceptional qualities, shows surprising resistance to treatments simulating medium-term global warming (8 years).
Scientific manager(s) :
Hubert Morin, UQAC
Impact à moyen terme d'une hausse de la température du sol et de l'enrichissement en azote sur la croissance de l'Épinette noire
Morin, H.