Climate Science and Climate Services . Economy
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Portrait of Snow Cover Indices
This project will facilitate access to historic and future snow cover data across Quebec at a resolution in the order of 10 km. Users and decision-makers from a multitude of sectors will enjoy a broader range of climate information to integrate into their adaptation plans.
Scientific manager(s) :
Émilie Bresson, Ouranos
PINS - Portrait des indices de neige au sol
Bresson, é., Dupuis, É., Bourgault, P.
Climate Science and Climate Services
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
A regional climate portrait in reference and future climates to support the analysis of impacts and adaptation to climate change in Eeyou Istchee James Bay, northern Abitibi-Témiscamingue and Nunavik
The results of this project provide a more complete and precise regional climatic and hydrological portrait in current and future climates to support decision-making on the identification of impacts and adaptation solutions to be planned and implemented for transportation.
Scientific manager(s) :
Alain Mailhot, INRS-ETE; Dominique Paquin, Ouranos
Portrait climatique régional en climat de référence et futur en soutien à l’analyse des impacts et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques sur le territoire Eeyou lstchee Baie-James, du nord de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue et du Nunavik
Paquin D., Mailhot A., Guay C., Malenfant C.,…
Water Availability
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Expected consequences of worsening severe water shortages in Quebec (CASCADES project)
This project is documenting, analyzing and projecting the consequences of water scarcity in terms of their cascading effects on the well-being of human populations and ecosystems.
Scientific manager(s) :
Kristelle Audet, AGÉCO; Laurent Da Silva, Nada Conseils; Daniel Tarte, T2 Environnement; Gabriel Rondeau-Genesse, Ouranos
Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Study on the implementation of ecofiscal measures for conservation and adaptation to climate change in the St. Lawrence Lowlands
This project will design ecofiscal measures and study their potential effects in order to document the issues to be anticipated if they are implemented. It will assess the utility of ecofiscal measures in supporting adaptation to climate change and the protection of species at risk.
Scientific manager(s) :
Jean-Philippe Meloche, CIRANO
Taxe sur l'empreinte écologique de l'occupation du sol : impacts sur les propriétés non résidentielles et analyse des impacts régionaux pour les propriétés résidentielles
Meloche, J.-P., Milord, B.
Étude sur la mise en oeuvre d'outils d'écofiscalité au service de la conservation et de l'adaptation aux changements climatiques dans les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent
Meloche, JP., Bourbonnais, C., Dragicevic, A.,…
Un outil d’écofiscalité au service de la conservation et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques
Meloche, J.-P., Université de Montréal
L'écofiscalité comme outil de résilience et d'adaptation aux changements climatiques
Meloche, J.-P.
L’écofiscalité en contexte d’adaptation : Portrait global, principaux enjeux et recommandations pour le Québec
Bourbonnais, Cédric
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Participatory monitoring of water levels
Data collected in a participatory manner can be fed into models in order to define the flood zones and the alert levels for populations and infrastructure, in particular for the rivers where more traditional data collection is not possible.
Scientific manager(s) :
Florence Millerand, Université du Québec à Montréal; Lorna Heaton, Université de Montréal; Laure Turcati Université du Québec à Montréal
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Mine tailings site reclamation and climate change: development and application of adaptation tools
This methodological approach is applicable in different climates and for different reclamation methods. Mining industry stakeholders have a method to assess the resilience of present or future reclamation facilities in the face of climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Bruno Bussière, IRME UQAT
Climate change risks and vulnerabilities during mining exploration, operations, and reclamation: A regional approach for the mining sector in Québec, Canada
Bresson, É., Bussière, B., Pabst, T., Demers, I.,…
MOOC - Influence of climate change on mining sector
Bussière, B., Pabst, T., Guittonny, M., Bresson,…
Economy . Climate Governance
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
Supporting Climate Change Adaptation in Quebec’s Tourism Sector
Under Thrust 5 of the 2020-2025 Action Plan for Responsible and Sustainable Tourism, Quebec’s Ministry of Tourism (MTO) is interested in acquiring and sharing knowledge on climate change mitigation, supporting partners in testing innovative solutions, and stimulating the mobilization of regional and sectoral players for a tourism industry that is resilient to climate change.
Scientific manager(s) :
Ouranos; Ministère du Tourisme du Québec
Nordic Environment
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Climate change and traditional food security in northern Quebec
The results of this project will enable indigenous communities, regional organizations, and provincial and federal governments to consider a future where food security is assured.
Scientific manager(s) :
Murray Humphries, Centre pour la nutrition et l’environnement des peuples autochotones (CINE), Université McGill
Changements climatiques et sécurité alimentaire traditionnelle dans le nord du Québec
Humphries, M
Extreme Events
2020-2025 programming
Project completed
Production of new hydroclimatic simulations for southern Quebec using Raven: An examination of the uncertainty related to hydrological modelling in the context of climate change
The use of the Raven framework will help building several semi-distributed models appropriate to the watersheds of southern Quebec. It will allow the exploration of the different algorithms to simulate snow melting and evapotranspiration.
Scientific manager(s) :
François Anctil, Université Laval; Biljana Music, Ouranos
Integrated implementation of the Raven HBV-EC model and describing uncertainty in a multimodel ensemble evaluation
Jabbari, A., Music, B., Huard, D., Craig, J.,…
Climate Scenarios and services
2014-2019 programming
Project completed
Integration of climate change into the design and reclamation of tailings storage facilities
This study responds to a need expressed by mining companies and the provincial government to review mining waste management measures by considering climate change and its impacts on the industry in order to ensure the long-term sustainability and safety of tailings structures.
Scientific manager(s) :
Bruno Bussière, IRME UQAT
Impact of climate change on extreme rainfall events and surface water management at mine waste storage facilities
Labonté-Raymond P.L., Pabst T., Bussière B.,…
Simulating the effect of climate change on performance of a monolayer cover combined with an elevated water table placed on acid-generating mine tailings
Lieber E., Demers, I., Pabst T., Bresson E.
Influence of climate change on the ability of a cover with capillary barrier effects to control acid generation
Hotton, G., Bussière, B., Pabst, T., Bresson, É.,…
Influence des changements climatiques sur la performance de couverture à effets de barrière capillaire : étude du cas Lorraine
Hotton G.
Impact de la hausse d’intensité des précipitations extrêmes causée par les changements climatiques dans la gestion de l’eau de surface des aires d’entreposage des rejets miniers.
Labonté-Raymond, P.-L.
Effet des changements climatiques sur la stabilité géotechnique d'un parc à résidus.
Gandonou, M.
Social and Health Challenges . Economy . Climate Governance . Adaptation of Living Environments
2020-2025 programming
Project in progress
The Climate Equity Lab: A living lab on equity in climate change adaptation in Quebec
The Climate Equity Lab’s aim is to assemble a wide range of knowledge and experience in order to co-produce an equity toolkit for climate change adaptation to raise awareness and offer support for conceptualizing and implementing fair adaptation solutions.
Scientific manager(s) :
Sophie Van Neste, INRS-UCS